Biography of George Hannaford

George Hannaford, who devotes his undivided time and attention to farming and is now the owner of an excellent tract of eighty acres, on which he is engaged quite extensively in the buying, fattening and selling of beef cattle, was born in Dover Township, January 2, 1858, a son of William and Jeannette (Beaumont) Hannaford. The father was born in Devonshire, England, in 1825, and the mother’s birth occurred in Poughkeepsie, New York. It was in 1848 that William Hannaford arrived in Dover Township and in this County they were married. He was a farmer by occupation and owned and cultivated one hundred and twenty acres of land, which he developed along progressive lines, making it a productive property. His father, William Hannaford, was a native of England and on coming to the new world made his way direct to Dover Township, where his last days were passed. The maternal grandfather, George Beaumont, was also an early settler of Dover Township. William Hannaford, Jr., was a young man of twenty-three years at the time of his arrival in tbis County and as the years passed he made for himself a creditable position as a successful agriculturist and representative citizen. In politics he was a republican. In his family were six children, of whom five are yet living: George; Mary, the wife of John M. Hardy, a resident farmer of Dover Township; Harriett, who is living with her brother George; Emma, also living with George; and William, who is a member of the same household.

George Hannaford pursued his education in the district schools and was reared to the occupation of farming, early becoming familiar with the best methods of tilling the soil and caring for the crops. He has always engaged in general agricultural pursuits and is now the owner of eighty acres of land, while his brother has one hundred and sixty acres. He has made a success of his life, having acquired and paid for one hundred and twenty acres of land. His business affairs have been carefully managed and he is now successfully engaged in feeding cattle and in buying and selling stock and fattening beeves for the market. For forty years he has kept a shorthorn bull and he now has sixty head of cattle on his place.

Mr. Hannaford is a member of the Masonic lodge at Union Grove and in politics is independent, voting according to the dictates of his judgment. He is recognized as one of the progressive citizens of the community and is continually putting forth effort along lines that result for the benefit of the district. His entire life has been passed in this County, covering a period of fifty-eight years, and he has therefore witnessed much of the growth and development of this part of the state.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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