Biography of George W. Nott, M. D.

Dr. George W. Nott, an able member of the medical profession, was born in Lodi, Wisconsin, January 2, 1872, a son of Welcome S. and J. L. (Phinney) Nott, who in 1854 arrived in Milwaukee, becoming pioneer settlers of the state. The former was a son of George W. Nott, of New York, who brought his family here, and both he and W. S. Nott were farmers. The latter, however, carried on agricultural pursuits only until he reached the age of twenty-five years when he turned his attention to merchandising, to which he has devoted the greater part of his life. At the present writing, however, he is living retired.

Dr. Nott obtained a public school education and then, determining upon the practice of medicine as his life work, he entered Rush Medical college of Chicago, and was graduated there from with the class of 1896. Immediately afterward he mile to Racine, where he has since followed his profession, and while he continues in general practice he makes a specialty of surgery and there is heavy demand upon his time and energies for surgical work. In addition to much private practice of that character he is acting as surgeon for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company and for the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Railway company. He was professor of pathology in the Wisconsin College of Physicians and Surgeons during the years 1896 and 1897. He belongs to the Racine County, Wisconsin State and American Medical associations, to the Wisconsin Surgical society and the American Association of Railway Surgeons.

In 1899 Dr. Nott was married to Miss Mabel M. McDonald, of Lodi, Wisconsin, a daughter of Daniel and Gertrude McDonald, who were early settlers of this state, and they now have one child, Gertrude, ten years of age. Dr. Nott is well known in Masonic circles, holding membership in the Knights Templar commandery and in the consistory, while with the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine he has also crossed the sands of the desert. He is likewise identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, while in politics he maintains an independent course, preferring always to vote as a nonpartisan. His interests center in his profession and he keeps in touch with advanced thought and with modern research work, employing the latest scientific discoveries to promote his efficiency in his chosen field.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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