Biography of Arthur B. Modine

Arthur B. Modine is identified with two of Racine’s important manufacturing enterprises which have recently come into force as factors in the material development of the city. A native of Chicago, Mr. Modine was born on the 27th of October, 1885, the son of John A. and Amanda (Linstrum) Modine. The father, who was a contractor and builder, has now passed away, but the mother still resides in Chicago.

Their son Arthur obtained a public school education, mastering the work of the grades and then entering the English High and Manual Training School. He afterward studied in the Armour Institute of Chicago and matriculated in the University of Michigan, from which he was graduated in 1908 with the degree of mechanical engineer. Soon afterward he accepted a position in the chemical engineering department of the Peoples Gas Light & Coke Company of Chicago and still later became engineer inspector at the pipe foundries for the same company. In 1910 he turned his attention to the building contract’ ing business on his own account and in the fall of that year organized the Aero Sheet Metal Works. On the organization of the Automobile Radiator & Parts Manufacturing Company Mr. Modine became its treasurer and was active in the upbuilding of that business. This was the predecessor of the Perfex Radiator Company, of which Mr. Modine became a principal stockholder. Mr. Modine was elected treasurer of the company and so continued until November, 1915, when he became vice president. In 1912 he moved the plant from Chicago to Racine and located at Fifteenth street and the Northwestern Railway tracks. He was largely instrumental in building up the business of the Perfex Radiator Company and in May, 1916, he disposed of his interests in the company to form the Modine Manufacturing Company, organized for the purpose of manufacturing an improved radiator, with offices and factory in the Sattley building. In addition to his connection with the Modine Manufacturing Company, Mr. Modine is president of the Aerial Motors Corporation, a company manufacturing rotary type motors for aeroplanes. This motor was invented by Lee Oldfield, of Minneapolis, and the plant is to be established at Racine.

On the 12th of June, 1915, Mr. Modine was married to Miss Margaret Bartlett, of Racine, a daughter of G. W. and Julia (Thomas) Bartlett. Mr. Modine is a member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. He also belongs to the Elks, to the Swedish Engineers Society, to the Tractor Engineers Society and the National Gas Engine Association. He has studied closely many of the engineering problems encountered in his experience and his comprehensive knowledge, executive force and business ability in other directions have qualified him for the important duties now devolving upon him.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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