Biography of Frederick J. Hansche

That Frederick J. Hansche was an industrious and enterprising business man is indicated in the, fact that at the time of his death he was the owner of an excellent property of one hundred and twelve acres, although when he first came to Racine County he had to earn his living by working as a farm hand. He was born in Germany on the 17th of October, 1837, and in that country acquired a common school education. About 1865 he crossed the Atlantic to the United States and for a year thereafter was a resident of Cincinnati. He then came to Racine County and for a year or two was employed at farm labor, during which period he most carefully saved his earnings until his industry and economy had brought him a sufficient sum to enable him to purchase seventeen acres of land in Mount Pleasant Township. Upon that tract he then engaged in truck farming and as his financial resources increased he kept adding to his holdings from time to time until at his demise he was the owner of one hundred and twelve acres, which he brought to a high state of cultivation, while to the farm he added many modern and substantial improvements.

Before leaving Germany, Frederick J. Hansche was married to Miss Fredricka Tigges and to them were born six children: George, who is living in Polk County, Wisconsin, and has two children; Minnie, the wife of A. J. Sheckler, a resident of Racine; Emma, deceased; Alfred J.; Samuel H., who is married and has three children; and Eda, the wife of P. J. Meyers, of Racine, by whom she has six children.

The parents were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and Mr. Hansche gave his political allegiance to the Republican Party. For several years he served as a member of the school board and for a number of years he occupied the position of roadmaster. He was interested in everything pertaining to the welfare and progress of his community and gave active and earnest support to all measures that he deemed of public value and benefit.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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