Biography of Frederik Rasmussen

Frederik Rasmussen is now living retired in Racine, but for many years he engaged in business as a teaming efflitractor and won so liberal a patronage that the success which he achieved now enables him to rest from further labor and yet enjoy many of the comforts of life. His is the record of the foreign-born citizen who recognizes the opportunities which America offers and, coming to the new world, so utilizes his chances that success in substantial measure becomes his. He was born in Denmark, September 3, 1838, a son of Rasmus and Christine (Carlson) Hansen. The father spent his entire life in Denmark, but the mother came to the United States in 1873 and here lived until her death.

Frederik Rasmussen was educated in the schools of Denmark and engaged in farming until twenty-two years of age, when he went to Copenhagen, where he was employed in breweries until 1872, when he decided to try his fortune in the new world and came to Racine. Here he began teaming and gradually became a teaming contractor. He went to Tennessee in 1872, but returned to Racine-the following year and again entered the teaming contracting business. As the years passed his patronage steadily increased and his business became an extensive and important one, bringing to him a substantial profit, which now places him among the well-to-do citizens of Racine. He made promptness and reliability the chief feature of his dealings with others and thus won confidence and support. Four years ago he retired to private life and is now enjoying a well earned rest, with a competence sufficient to supply him with all the necessities and comforts and some of the luxuries of life.

Mr. Rasmussen was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran church. He is now a member of the Masonic fraternity and belongs to the Danish Society and Danish Brotherhood as a literary member. He enjoys the warm friendship and regard of those with whom he is associated. He has always been glad that he came to the new world for he here found opportunities which he utilized and which have brought him deserved success.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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