Biography of Morris Jorgensen

Morris Jorgensen, who is successfully engaged in dairying and stock raising in connection with the production of grain in Yorkville Township, was born in Denmark on the 30th of July, 1867. His parents, Flans Mikkel and Lena (Anderson) Jorgensen, were also natives of that country, where they passed their entire lives. The father, who was born June 27, 1822, engaged in farming for many years, dying in February, 1909, upon the homestead, which is now in possession of one of his sons. There are eight children living, namely: Richard, who is farming the home place in Denmark: Morris: Antonia, the wife of Christ Sorensen, of Somers Township: Hans and Edward, both residents of Yorkville Township: Annie, the wife of James Johnson, a tailor of Kenosha: and Laura and Mary, both of whom are still residing in Denmark.

Morris Jorgensen was educated in the district, schools of his native country but when fourteen years of age left home and began his independent career. A number of years later, in 1890, he immigrated to America and made his way to this country, where he arrived in March. He worked for a farmer in Yorkville Township for some time and later rented land for eight years, but at the end of that’ time purchased the property, which he subsequently sold. He then bought his present farm, which comprises one hundred and twenty acres in Yorkville Township, and he has erected good buildings upon the place and otherwise added to its value. The prosperity which he enjoys is doubly creditable because it is the direct reward of his labor and good management. He has a number of Holstein and Durham cattle and in addition to raising cattle for the market also feeds other stock. He is also engaged in dairying to some extent.

Mr. Jorgensen was married in 1894 to Miss Christine Anderson, who was born in Raymond Township, Racine County, and is a daughter of Peter and Karen (Nelson) Larsen, natives of Denmark, who in 1869 crossed the Atlantic to the United States and located in Racine County, Wisconsin. The father farmed in Raymond Township until his demise late in 1873. It was on the 4th of May, 1874, that his daughter, Mrs. Jorgensen, was born. In the same year the mother became the wife of Jorgen Anderson and the children of that marriage are: George, who died when nineteen years of age; Annie, the wife of James Christensen of Raymond: Mary, the wife of William Peterson, also of Raymond; James, who is superintendent of a farm in Yorkville Township; Emma, the wife of James Gabrielsen: and Ida, the wife of William Peterson, of Yorkville. Mr. and Mrs. Jorgensen have two children, Florence and Edward, both at home.

Mr. Jorgensen supports the Republican Party at the polls but has never been an aspirant for political preferment. He was reared in the Lutheran church and has conformed his life to its teachings. During the quarter of a century in which he has been a resident of Racine County he has won a high place in the estimation of his fellow citizens and has many personal friends.



Racine County WI,

Racine County Wisconsin History: Racine Belle City of the lakes and Racine County Wisconsin a record of settlement organization progress and achievement. SJ Clarke Pub Co. Chicago. 1916. 1216 pgs.

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