Captain James Fitzgerald’s Company of Mounted Militia

Muster Roll of Capt. James Fitzgerald’s Company of Mounted Militia ordered into service by Col. David C. Twiggs, 2nd Dragoons, from the 18th of April 1839. [The company was enrolled 18 April 1839 at Fort Walker by Captain G. S. Rains to serve for a period of 6 months.]

  • Fitzgerald, James Captain
  • Curry, John 1st Lieutenant
  • Turner, James Sen’r, 2d Lieutenant
  • Willis, Johnathan T. Sergt.
  • Andrews, Wm. Sergt.
  • Hart, Eli? Corporal.
  • Thompson, William Corporal.
  • Curry, Laughton Musician
  • Flint, Martin Sergt.
  • Moore, John W. Sergt.
  • Dolan, Joseph Corporal.
  • Eaton, Joseph Corporal.
  • Filman, John E. Musician
  • Privates
  • Benner, Henry
  • Blocker, Stephen
  • Bonner, Henry
  • Branch, Britton
  • Burger, Jacob
  • Butler, Wm.
  • Carr, John
  • Cash, David C.
  • Daniels, Wiley
  • Daniels, Wm., Jun’r
  • Daniels, Wm., Sen’r
  • Dikes, George D.
  • Devlin, Isaac
  • Ewer (Ever), Ebenezer
  • Filman, James D.
  • French, Noah
  • Hall, James S.
  • Hancock, John
  • Harrol, James H.
  • Haney, Bartholomew
  • Hamilton, Wm.
  • Hill, Chesley
  • Hodge, Simon
  • Hogan, Daniel B.
  • Hopkins, David
  • Ivy, Anthony
  • Johnson, John
  • Johynson, Kindred B.
  • Johnson, Vincent
  • Johnson, Simpson
  • Linnear, Isaac
  • Martin, Whitmore
  • Mathews, Francis
  • Mooney, Alfred
  • Patterson, Frazier
  • Pennington, Henry H. C.
  • Pinner, John
  • Pinner, Wm.
  • Roberts, Alexander
  • Root, Alexander
  • _____, Hugh
  • Stafford, John
  • Linnear, James
  • Turner, Edward
  • Turner, Wm., Jun’r
  • Turner, Wm. , Sen’r
  • Turner, James, Jun’r
  • Taylor, Thos.
  • Walker, James
  • Wanton, Wm.
  • Walsh, Thomas
  • Wanton, Phillip
  • Smith, Leanard H.
  • Woodall, Hiram

Certified a true muster by G. J. Rains, Capt. 7th Regt., Mustering Officer.
Date: 18 April 1839 Station: Fort Walker

Florida Department of Military Affairs, Office of the Adjutant General, State Arsenal. Florida Militia Muster Rolls, Seminole Indian Wars. St. Augustine, Florida. 1968.

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