Biographical Sketch of John Casper Lipe

(See Grant, Thornton, Thompson, Oolootsa and Ross)—John Casper, son of Clark Charlesworth and Margaret Emma (Thompson) Lipe was born November 27, 1878, educated at the Cherokee public school, graduated from Male Seminary June 30, 1899 and from Spauldings Commercial College of Kansas City in July 13, 1906

Married Anna Belle Price, born Jan. 2, 1887 in Gonzales, Texas. She was educated at Oolagah and graduated from Female Seminary June 1, 1905.

They have one daughter Muriel Joy Lipe born March 21, 1908. Mr. Lipe’s Cherokee name is Tauaneesie, he is an Elk, Woodman of the World, Knight Templar and Shriner.

Looney Price was born in February 1799, married December 28, 1837 Lititia Coady. This talented and cultivated family moved to Texas before the Civil War. Their son Daniel Coady Price, born January 31, 1844 was a member of Co. A., Terry’s Texas Ranger regiment during the Civil War, elected sheriff of Gonzales Co., Texas November 4, 1882 he married Mary Anna Jones and they were the parents of: Anna Belle (Price) Lipe.

Oliver Wack Lipe born January 20, 1914 at Fort Plains, N. Y., he was elected Captain in the New York State Guards in 1833. He married in 1839, Catherine Vaught nee Gunter, born at Gunter’s Landing in Alabama in May 1811. He was Commissary in Stand Watie’s regiment. His son Clark Charlesworth Lipe was Adjutant in Captain John Scrimsher’s company in the Confederate Cherokee service. Adjutant Lipe always ended up his roll call with the names of three of the full blood Cherokee soldiers: “Runabout, Turnover and Kickup.” John Casper Lipe has served one year in the Missouri National Guards and was Captain of the first Home Guard company organized in the state of Oklahoma receiving his commission from Gov. Robert L. Williams.


Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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