1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Daguerreotype to Dry Goods

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Daguerreotype Artist
LEMIRE, L. A., 12 St. John st., U. T. See card, next page.
Garneau, P., Scott st., St. Louis.
Grenier & Chatigny, Sault-au-matelot st.,
Grenier, Frs., Sault-au-matelot st., L. T.
Grenier, J. O., Sault-au-matelot st., L. T.
Handford, W., Jupiter st., St. Louis.
L. T. Timmony, Frs., Sault-au-matelot st., L. T.
LITTLE, THOMAS, Sault-au-matelot at., L. T. every kind of cooperage work done to order in a superior manner, and upon the most moderate terms.
Lortie, Charles, St. Joseph st., St Rochs.
Ramsay, William, Bell’s lane. L. T.
Welsh, William, St. Julie st., St. Louis.

Baillargeon, P., M. D., corner St. John and St.
McLimont, R., M. D., 30 St. Ursule st., U T. Angele sts., U. T.
Tapp, William, 23 St. Anne st.. U. T.
McKee, Dr. J., 20 St. Anne st., U. T.

Dry Goods Merchants
BILODEAU, Louis, importer of and dealer in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 4 Fabrique st., U. T.
CALLAM, D. A., importer and wholesale dealer in British and American staple and fancy dry goods, 41 St. Peter st., L. T.
CASEY, THOMAS, importer of and dealer in British and American staple and fancy dry goods, corner of Fabrique and St. John sts., U. T. wholesale store, 3 Sault-aumatelot st., L. T.
GLOVER & FRY, importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 15 Fabrique st., U. T.
LAURIE, A, & Co., importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, Arthur st., L. T.
LEMELIN, PIERRE, dealer in dry goods, ready made clothing, trunks, hats, &c., 7 Notre Dame st., L. T.
MOODIE, MATHEW, importer and wholesale dealer in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 31 St. Peter st., L. T.
MURPHY, J. M., importer and dealer in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 67 St. John st., U. T.
TETU, L. & C., importers and dealers in all kinds of staple and fancy dry goods, 11 St. John st., U. T.
Non Members
Adair, A., 13 Mountain st., L. T.
Angers, Frs., 8 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Arthur & Co., 38 St. John st., If. T.
Aubé, D., 2 Champlain st., L. T.
Babineau, A., Sous-le-fort st., L. T.
Baltaz, J., Plessis st., St. LouiS.
Benjamin, Henry, 18 Fabrique st., U. T.
Berube, J., Crown st, St. Rochs.
Berube, Joseph, Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Boisseau, P., 14 St. Joseph and 8 Fabrique sts.,U. T.
Boisvert, F., 51 St. John st., U. T.
Bouchard, N., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Brocklesbury, H., Salaberry st., St. Louis.
Brown, William, St. Julie st., St. Louis.
Cadoret, H., St. Madelaine St., St. Rochs.
Cadoret, P., Plessis st., St. Louis.
Cadot, Louis, St. Gabriel st, St. Johns.
Carel, Edward, Grant st., St. Rochs.
Caron, Eli, 2 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Caron, P., 6 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Carrier, F., Desfosses st. St. Rochs.
Cathron, R.. 59 St. John st., U. T.
Chabot. Pierre, 9 Notre Dame st., L, T.
Chartrain, J., St. Anne st., St. Rochs.
Chretien. F., 13 Fabrique st., U. T.
Cote. J. B.. Craig st., St. Rochs.
Couture, M., Crown st., St. Rochs.
Coveney, E. D., Artillery st., St. Louis.
Cox, James, Craig st., St. Rochs.
Crete, M., St. Vallier st., St. Rocks.
Davidson, James, St. Eustache st., St. Louis.
Dégares, J., 33 St. John st., without.
Delamare, T. N., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Dionne, F., 7 Mountain st., L. T.
Doherty, P., St. Julie st., St. Louis.
Donahue, Miss, St. John st., without.
Dorion & Garneau, 62 St. John st., U. T.
Dusseault, J. B., 3 and 5 Champlain st., L. T.
Eddleston, Edward, Scott st., St. Louis.
Fafard, A., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Finigan, James, 5 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Fortier, M., 34 St. John st., U. T.
Fraser, D., D’Artigny st., St. Louis.
Frechette, J. B., 7 and 15 Sous-le-fort st., L. T.
Gagnon, Pierre, St. Nicholas st., L. T.
Garneau, D. B., 343 Champlain st., L. T.
Gingras, Pierre, St. John st., without.
Giroux, Charles, Artillery st., St. Louis.
Godbout, Joseph, 19 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Guay, F., 4 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Hamel & Brothers, Champlain and Sous-le-fort sts., L. T.
Hamel, A., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Hardy & Marchildon, 22 Notre Dame st.,. L.T.
Hardy, Joseph, 7 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Horan & Cullen, 17 Fabrique st., If. T.
Horan, G., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Hudon, D., 6 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Julien, M., 121/2 St. John st., U. T.
Kelly, Patrick, Craig st., St. Rochs.
Kilbrook, J., St. Julie st., St. Louis.
Laird, William, 251/2. Fabrique st., U. T.
Lallie dit Marcheterre, D., St. James st., St. Johns.
Langlois, L., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Lapointe, J. B., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Laroche, G., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Laroche, W., St. John st., without.
Latulippe, F., St. Joseph st., St Rochs.
Lavoie, F., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Lavoie, P., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Lawrence, G., St. George st., St Johns.
Lebeau, Joseph, Scott st., St. Louis.
Lenfestey, M. & R., St. John st., without.
Lepine, O.. St. Michel st., St. Louis.
Marois, Louis, Crown st., St. Rochs.
Martel, J. B., Deligny st., St. Louis.
Martineau, N., St. John st., without.
Matthieu, A., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
McDavid, C., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
McGauran, P., 31 Buade st., U. T.
McKenna, J., Artillery st., St. Louis.
McLimont, W., wholesale 63 St. Peter st., L. T.
Mecteau, A., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Mecteau, P., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Montminy, O., 1 Notre Dame St.., L. T.
Moss, P.. 4 Champlain st., L. T.
Nash, Mrs., St. John st., without.
O’Neil, B., St. John st., without.
Pageau, C., 66 St. John st., U. T.
Pampalon, D., St. Olivier st., St. Johns.
Paquet, M., Desfossés st., St. Rochs.
Paquet, Z., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Parant, Frs., & Co., Sous-le-fort st., L. T.
Parant, J., Richelieu st., St. Johns.
Parant, J., St. Francis st., St. Rochs.
Pare, H., Craig st., St RochS.
Patterson, William, Crown st., St. Rochs.
Pierre, J., St. Olivier st.., St Johns.
Plamondon, L., St. John st., without.
Reilly, Lawrence, St. Eustache st., St. Louis
Rheaume, F. X., 14 Sous-le-fort st., L. T.
Rivet & Chabot, 14i Sous-le-fort st., L. T.
Roberge, G., St. John st., without.
Roberge, Joseph, 26 St. John at., U. T.
Robitaille, M., St. Gabriel st., St. Johns.
Rodden, James, St. Enstache st.. St. Louis..
Rouillard, N., 10 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Routier, Charles. Mountain st., L. T.
Roy, Basile, 1 St.. John st., U. T.
Roy, Jean, 12 St. John st.. U. T.
Roy, Siméon, 9 Fabrique st., U. T.
Samson, Chas., Desfossés st., St. Rochs.
Sheridan, James, 16 Mountain st., L. T.
Simons, Orkeney, 32 St. John st., U. T.
Soulard, F., 42 St. John st., U. T.
St. Laurent, Mrs. F., 8 Mountain st., L. T.
St. Pierre, E., 40 St. John st., U. T.
Sturrock, Mrs. Wm., St. John st., without.
Suzor, H., St. John st., without.
Thibodeau, Charles N., 72 St. John st., U. T..
Thibodeau, Louis, Artillery st., St. Louis.
Thompson, A., Artillery st., St. Louis.
Tremblay, MrS. P., St. John st., U. T.
Venner, J., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Venner, P., St. Vallier st., St, Rochs.
Venner, William, Craig st., St. Rochs.
Vien, P., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Ward, John, Craig st., St. Rochs.
Weippert, Frs., 10 Fabrique st., U. T.
White, David, St. Peter st,, St. LouiS.
White, R., Artillery st., St. Louis.
Woodman, William, Artillery st., St. Louis.

Quebec Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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