1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Cabinetmakers to Coopers

Cabinetmakers And Upholsterers
CRAIG, THOMAS, 78 St. Paul st., L. T. keeps always on hand a good stock of every article in his line of business of superior quality, and at moderate prices.
DRum, WILLIAM, St. Paul st., near the market a superior stock of furniture constantly on hand and for sale upon very moderate terms.
GUERARD, Louis, St. Paul St., L. T., sign of the golden chair has constantly on hand a large and elegant stock of every article in his line of business
HADDAN, ALEXANDER, 43 St. John st., U. T. all descriptions of cabinetware and furniture constantly on hand and for sale upon reasonable terms.
THOMAS, DIT BIGAOUETTE, G., St. Valuer st., St. Rochs has constantly on hand at low prices, every description of cabinetware, looking glasses, &c., &c., of the best quality and manufacture.
VALLIER, J. O., St. Valuer st., L. T. has constantly on hand all descriptions of cabinet furniture, looking glasses, French paperhanging, &c., &., all of which he offers upon very favorable terms.
Non Members
Bertrand, J. B., Richardson st., St. Rochs.
Boomer, W. H., St. George st., St. Johns.
Campbell, B., St. Vanier at., St. Rochs.
CARPENTERS, S., Lachevrotiere st., St. Louis.
Cartwright, J., St. John st., without.
Coal, J. & J., St. John st., without.
Coté & Deroche, St. John st., without.
Côté, N., St. Gabriel St., St. Johns.
Cowan, A., Fleury st., St. Rochs.
Darveau, F., St. Olivier st., St. Johns.
Dion, Thomas, St. Julie st., St. Louis.
Drouin, P., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Foley, S., 8 St. John st., without.
Fouriner, P., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Gagnon, F. P., St. Valuer st., St. Rochs.
Gilmour, P., Craig- st., St. Rochs. St.
Henderson, Alexander, 12 St. Stanislas st.. U. T.
Kelly, M., St. Louis st., U. T.
Lacoste, Iouis, Crown st., St. Rochs.
Lafleur, F., Cote de Abraham, St. Johns.
Lafleur, P. S., D’Aiguillon st., St. Johns.
Lariviere, Thomas, Desfosses st. St. Rochs.
Laurent, J. B., Richelieu st., St. Johns.
Lepine, J., St. Vanier st., St. Sochs.
Marmette, S., St. Vanier st., St. Rochs.
Miller, J., St. Genevieve st., St. Louis,
Parant, J., St. Genevieve st., St. Louis.
Pitt, Charles, 41 St. John st., U. T.
Rickaby, A., St. John st., without.
Roy, Honoré, St. Joachim st., St. Johns.
Roy, J. T., Grant st., St. Rochs.
Roy, P., Cote de Abraham, St. Johns.
St. Amond, O.. Richelieu st., St. Johns.

Builders And Contractors
Belanger, A., St. Francis st., St. Rochs.
Hemming, Henry, 29 St. Paul st. and Sault an
Matelot st., next the Quebec Bank.
Mathieu. J., Desprairies st., St. Rochs.
Mernagh, M., St. Amable st., St. Louis.
Monier. B., St. Francis st., St. Rocks.
Peters, Charles. St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Peters, Simon, St. Valuer st., St. Rochs.
Vallee. P., Desprairies st., St. Rochs.
Vezina, J., D’Aiguillon st., St. Johns.

Chemists, Druggists And Apothecaries
Carvers, Gilders, &C.
BAILEY, JAMES, carver, gilder, looking mass and picture frame maker, St. John st., without.
Normand, Francois. Desfosses st. St. Rochs.

China, Glass And Earthenware Stores
BICKELL, THOMAS, importer of china, glass and crockery of all kinds, corner St. John and St. Stanislas sts., U. T. agent for Kelly’s pure cod liver oil.
BICKELL, W. J., importer of crockery, glass and china of all kinds, corner Mountain and Notre Dame sts., L. T.
GOODWIN, BROTHERS, importer of china, crockery and glass of all kinds, 6 St. John at., U. T., and Longton Staffordshire.
MARCHAND, G. N., St. Nicholas st., Palace hill, dealer in crockery, earthenware, windowglass, glass plates, groceries, paints, oil, nails, &c.
Levy, Simon, 72 St. John at., U. T.
Norris, Thomas, Palace at., U. T.

Chronometer Depots
MARTYN, MRS., 45 St. Peter at., L. T. chronometers rated by transit observations, taken daily, weather permitting, chronometers, watches, &c., cleaned and neatly repaired, nautical and astronomical instruments carefully adjusted and repaired.
MCLAUGHLIN, SAMUEL, St. Peter st., near the Custom house, L. T. rates determined by astronomical observation the most difficult repairs in chronometers executed, and performances warranted.

Coach And Carriage Builders
GINGRAS, EDWARD, 36 St. Ursule st., U. T. every kind of carriages used in the province, are supplied from this establishment of the best quality, and on reasonable terms.
SAURIN, J. J., 15 St. Ann st., U. T. carriages of all kinds, made of the best materials, constantly on hand, or furnished to order, on moderate terms.
Non Members
Attain, J., St. Joachim, st., St. Johns.
Bigaoutte dit Thomas, J. O., St. Vallier Rochs.
Bureau, J. B., St. John st., without.
Gagné, A., St. Joachim st., St. Johns.
Giroux, Joseph, St. Vanier st., St. Rochs.
Lafleur, J. B., Berthelot st., St. Louis.
Lepine, Joseph, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Marceau, E., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Page, J., St. John st., without.
Paris, J., St. John st., without.
Paris, Joseph, Claire Fontaine st., St. Louis.
Pichette, F. X., St. John st., without.
Proteau, Edward, Jupiter st., St. Louis.
Seguin, O., St. Vanier st., St. Rochs.
Trudel, F., St. John st., without.
Vere, A., Cote d’Abraham, St. Johns.

Coal Merchants
POSTON, CHARLES & SON, Arthur st., L. T.

Commission Merchants And Brokers
ANDERSON, JOHN, general commission, forwarding, and shipping merchant, 42 St. Peter st., L. T.
ATKINSON, E. W., general forwarding, shipping, and commission merchant, 38 St. Peter st., L. T.
BURNS, ADAM, general shipping, commission, and forwarding merchant, Napoleon wharf. L. T.
CASSELS, R. S., general commission, shipping, and forwarding merchant, 26- St. Peter st., L. T.
CLINT, J. H., general commission merchant, and shipper, St. Paul st., L. T.
COLLEY, GEORGE, general commission, forwarding, and shipping merchant, Dalhousie st., L. T.
DAVIES, W. H. A., shipping, forwarding, and commission merchant, Dalhousie st., L. T.
FORSYTH & BELL, general commission, forwarding, and shipping merchants, Commercial chambers, St. Peter st., L. T.
HUNT, WESTON, & Co., general shipping, forwarding, and commission merchants, Hunt’s wharf, L. T.
KELLY, THADDEUS, general forwarding, commission and shipping merchant, 5 St. Lawrence chambers, St. Peter st., L. T.
M’CAW, THOMAS, general shipping, commission, and forwarding merchant, Commercial chambers, St. Peter st., L. T.
McNIDER, THOMAS, general commission merchant and broker, 28 St. Peter st., L. T.
NEWTON, W. J., general commission and shipping merchant and custom-house broker, 25 St. Peter st., L. T.
SMITH, JOHN, & Co., general commission merchants and brokers, 2 Dalhousie st., L. T.
WELCH, H. W., broker and general commission merchant, 2 St. James at., L. T.
WHITE, JOSEPH, commission merchant and broker, St. Lawrence chambers, 27 St. Peter at., L. T.
YOUNG, J. IL, broker and commission merchant, St. Lawrence chambers, 27 St. Peter st., L. T.
Arnold, James, Sous-le-fort st., L. T. Della Torre, & Co., 20 Buade st., U. T.
Brodie, C., 27 corner of St. Peter and St. James’
Holt, C. A., 42 St. Peter st., L. T. sts.,
L. T. Stewart, J. D., 25 St. Peter st., L. T. Charlton, E. J., St. Peter st., L. T.

BACK, ROBERT, St. Peter st., L. T. confectioner, ship bread and cracker baker. EATON, HENRY, 3 Freemasons hall, Buade st., U. T. choice confectionery, ginger beer, soda water, &c., constantly on hand.
HOSSACK, JAMES, 5 Notre Dame st., L. T. keeps always on hand a good stock of every article in the line, wholesale or retail, at low prices.
MCINDOE, J. Y., 52 St. John Et., U. T. a choice assortment of Paris and New York confectionery, &c., always on hand.
SCOTT, GEORGE, 25 St. Peter st., L. T., and 54 St. John st., U. T. choice confectionery,
of all kinds, breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, &c., furnished on the shortest notice.
Non Members
Allard, J., Octave st., St. Rochs.
Brown, Mrs., 14 Garden st., U. T.
Grace, John, 57 St. John st., U. T.
Hayes, Mrs. H., 28 Buade st., U. T.
Henchy, Mrs. P., 40 St. Anne st., U. T.
Hossack, William, Craig st., St. Rocks.
King, Andrew, St. George st., St. Johns.
Pellison, O., 10 St. Joseph st., U. T.
Provan, John, 5 St. Anne st., U. T.
Provan, R., 17 St. John st., U. T.
Steven, J., St. John st., without.

CLARKE, ROBERT, Sault-au-matelot st., L. T. all sorts of coopers’ work, bottle and refined guaging and store work done, on very reasonable terms.


Quebec Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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