1851 Quebec Canada Directory, City Officials

The City of Quebec, the Second city in British North America, and now the Seat of Government for United Canada, is situated at the junction of the River St. Charles with the River St. Lawrence in latitude 46-9 N., and longitude 75.15 W. from Greenwich. The City is most picturesquely situated, and is naturally, as well as artificially, divided into two parts, known respectively as the Upper and Lower towns, the former of which is strongly fortified and is also defended by the Citadel, which is probably the most complete, as well as the strongest fortification upon the American continent. Quebec is an electoral district returning two members to the Provincial Parliament, and the courts of law for the district are held here distant from Montreal, 180 miles usual steamboat fare 7s. 6d. to 12s. 6d. usual stage fare, 50s. distant from Kingston, 392 miles usual steamboat fare, 32s. 6d. usual stage fare, 85s. distant from Toronto, 569 miles usual steamboat fare, 52s. 6d. usual stage fare, 125S. Population. including the troops usually in garrison, about 40,000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

City Council
His Worship the Mayor N. F. Belleau.
Charles Alley N.
Edward Boxer
Joseph Carrier
Alexis Dorval
Germain Guay
George Hall
Paul Lepper
William Lampson
Angus McDonald
John Maguire
Joseph Morrin
Hugh Murray
Francis Xavier Paradis
Jacques P. Rheaume
Olivier Robitaille
James Sewell
William S. Sewell
U. J. Tessier
Joseph Tourangeau

Representatives Of The Different Wards
St. Louis Ward, Boxer, Sewell, Sewell, (Dr.);
St. Peter’s Ward, Murray, Lepper, Carrier;
St. Roch’s Ward, Rheaume, Guay. Tourangeau, Paradis;
Palace Ward, Hall, McDonald, Morrin Champlain Ward, Maguire, Alleyn, Lampson;
Saint John’s Ward, Tessier, Belleau, Dorval, Robitaille.

Officers Of The Corporation
F. X. Garneau, city clerk
Augustin Gauthier, city treasurer
Joseph Hamel, city surveyor
T. W. Lloyd, Water Works manager
Theophile Baillarge, assistant to city surveyor
R. Meredith, city collector
F. X. Julien, messenger
M. M. Caron and Baillarge, advocates
Charles Maxime DeFoy, notary

Quebec Municipal Fire Department
N. Wells, fire inspector, 23 Hope st., U. T.
Deluge, Capt. Charles Corneil, St. Ursule st., U. T.
Union, T. Gleeson, Cul de Sac st., L. T.
Invincible, John Boomer, Nouvelle st, St. John’s.
St. Lawrence, Thomas Burns, St. Paul st. L. T.
St Roch, P. Latarte, St. Joseph st., St. Roch’s.
La Canadian, J. B. Bureau, St. Joachim st., St. John’s.
Erin-go-Bragh, J. Murray, Champlain at., L. T. S. Faugh-a-ballagh, L. Brothers, Champlain st., L. T.
Quebec Hose Company, J. Wright, St. Ursale st. 0. T.
Sappers and Hook and Ladder Company, F. N. Martinette, St. Joseph st., U. T.

Clerks Of Markets
Thomas Atkins, Upper Town market.
Denis Murray, Lower Town market.
Augustin Gauthier, St. Paul’s market

R. H. Russell, chief constable, City hall, St. Louis st., U. T.

Judges, Legislative Councillors And Members Of Parliament
BLACK, HON. HENRY, judge of the vice-admiralty court.
BOWEN, HON. EDWARD, chief justice superior court.
CARON, HON; R. E., speaker of legislative council and
CAUCHON, JOSEPH, M. P. P. for Montmorency.
CHABOT, HON. JEAN, M. P. P. for Quebec city.
CHAVEAU, PIERRE J. O., M. P. P. for Quebec county.
CHRISTIE, ROBERT, M. P. P. for Gaspe.
DUVAL, HoN. J. F., judge of superior court.
LEMIEUX, FRS. X., M. P. P. for Dorchester.
MEREDITH, HON. W. C., judge of superior court.
METHOT, F. X., M. P. P. for Quebec city.
PANET, HON. PHILLIPE, judge of court of Queen’s Bench.
POWER, HON. WILLIAM, judge of circuit court.
Q. C. MASSUE, HoN. Louts, M. L. C.
RACQUET, HoN. J. B. E., judge of superior court.
RoSs, DuNBAR, M. P. P. for Megantic.
STUART, THE HON. SIR JAMES, Bart., chief justice Lower Canada.
TASCHEREAU, HON. JOSEPH A., judge of circuit court.

St. Ann’s College
Revs. C. Gauvreau, superior
F. Pilote, T. B. Pelletier, E. Richard, G. Tremblay, H. Potvin, procurator
A. Pelletier, A. Blanchet, P. H. Bouchy. Revs. L. Proulx, parish priest of Quebec
E. G. Plante, George Drolet, L. Gill, vicars; Z. Charest, parish priest of St. Rochs
J. Matte, P. L. Lahaie, N. Godbout, W. Richardson, vicars
L. T. Bedard, E. G. Plante, general hospital
T. Maguire, Ursuline convent
P. McMahon, chaplain St. Patrick’s church
M. Kerrigan, E. Bonneau, assistants
M. Lemieux, A. Lafrancois, hotel dieu
P. H. Harkin, military hospital
W. Richardson, marine do

Medical, Surgical, And Benevolent
College Of Physicians And Surgeons, L. C.
Joseph Morrin, Esq., M. D., president;
Jean Blanchet, Esq., M. R. C. S. L., vice-president,
W. Nelson, Esq., M. D., vice-president,
Dr. Bardy,

Quebec School Of Medicine
Dr. Morrin, president
Dr. Bardy, secretary
Dr. Landry, lecturer on anatomy (general and descriptive
Dr. Sewell, lecturer on practice of physic
Dr. Fremont, lecturer on practice of surgery
Dr. Painchaud, lecturer on midwifery and diseases of women and children
Dr. Nault, lecturer on materia medica and pharmacy
Dr. Bardy, lecturer on medical jurisprudence and botany
Dr. Painchaud, lecturer on clinical medicine
Dr. Jackson, lecturer on clinical surgery
Dr. Jackson, lecturer on chemistry

Marine Hospital
Commissioners. Dr. Morrin, president;
Dr. Parant, R. J. Alleyn, F. X. Paradis, T. Kelly, J. J. Nesbit. Visiting Physicians.
Dr. James Douglas, Dr. Painchaud, sen., Dr. Hall, Dr. Jackson, Dr. Robitaille, Dr. Rowand.
Dr. E. Lemieux, house surgeon; Mr. Beaubien, apothecary; P. Whelan, steward; Mrs. Whelan, matron.

Mount Hermon Cemetery
Directors. G. O. Stuart, chairman;
H. S. Scott, secretary;
C. Wurtele, treasurer;
Jeffery Hale, John Gilmour, Thomas Gibb, John Musson, A. McDonald, W. S. Henderson. James Millar, superintendent.

Mercantile Anti Literary Associations
Advocates’ Library
Hon. Justice Panet, president
Hon. H. Black, vice-president
Hon. It. E. Caron, treasurer
Charles Alleyn, secretary
J. B. Landry, librarian. Rooms Court house, St. Louis st.

Canadian Institute
Hon. R. E. Caron, honorary president
P. J. O. Chaveau, president active
Vital Tetu, and F. X. Paradis, vice-presidents
F. Vezina, treasurer
J. Langlois, secretary 5 N. Casault, librarian

High School Of Quebec
W. S. Smith, classical master
D. Wilkie, English and arithmetical master
Hy. D. Thielcke, French, German and drawing master
Rev. John Cook, D. D., chairman of the board of directors
D. Wilkie, treasurer and secretary

Literary And Historical Society
Officers-G. B. Faribault, president
Hon. R. E. Caron, E. Burroughs, A. Campbell, Rev. A. W. Mountain, vice-presidents
C. W. Jones, recording secretary
W. H. A. Davies, corresponding secretary
H. D. F. Thielcke; assistant secretary
Robert Symes, treasurer
D. Wilkie, librarian
Wm. D. Campbell, curator of museum
R. Neill, curator. of apparatus
G. B. Faribault, W. H. A. Davies. Rev. M. Casault, D. Wilkie, Hon. R. E. Caron, C. W. Jones, A. Campbell committee on historical documents

Mechanics’ Institute
Buade st.
William Antrobus Holwell, president
Rev. D. Marsh, W. Patterson
J. S. Hossack, E. S. Pooler, W. S. Henderson, vice-presidents
Robert Neill, secretary
W. J. Bickell, corresponding secretary
James McKay, recording secretary
J. Boomer. assistant secretary
John Burnhope and Daniel Bews, librarians.

Quebec Library Association
Officers. H. S. Scott, president
Rev. Dr. Mackie, Rev. J. Cook, D. D., G. B. Faribault, vice-presidents
R. Symes, treasurer
A. Joseph, chairman
J. H. Clint, secretary
Miss Meiklejohn, librarian
W. H. C ran, superintendent

Quebec County Agricultural Society
Officers E. J. Deblois, president
Thomas May, vice-president
J. B. Trudelle, secretary
Joseph Bedard, treasurer
Joseph Laurin, James Welch, Michel Hamel, James West, G. Eglinton. P. Trudelle, John Lane, John West, William Meek, W. Taylor, Michael Scullion, Samuel Tozer.

Quebec Board of Trade
Council James Dean, president
R. Wainwright, vice-president
H. J. Noad, treasurer
James Gillespie, secretary
D. Gilmour, W. Stevenson, W. Hunt, J. Gillespie, C. Wurtele, A. Laurie. T. C. Lee, T. H. Dunn, R. Hamilton, H. Lemesurier.

Board Of Arbitration
J. Jameson, A. M’Donald, W. Dawson, James Gillespie, James Gibb, W. Hunt, A. Laurie, W. Herring, D. D. Young, J. W. Leaycraft, J. B. Forsyth, H. J. Scott.

Quebec Exchange
Managing Commitee Hon. William Walker, chairman;
R. Roberts, A. D. Bell, H. J. Noad, Henry Pemberton, W. Stevenson, Charles Poston, secretary and treasurer. William Lane, superintendent.
Regular days of Meeting, the last Monday in every month, at Ten, A. M.

Cullers Of Timber, &C.
Supervisor Of Cullers’ Office.
Nos. 31 and 32 Sault an Matelot st., L. T.
(John Sharples, supervisor).
holding licenses under provincial act, 8 Viet. cap. 49, August 12, 1848.
James M’Phee, Louis Dorion, William Bee, Charles Cazeau, Alexis Dorval, John S. Waterson, Etienne Robitaille, Denis Cantillon, Jean Larochelle, Denis Duggan, Maurice Malone, Michael Hamel, James Scott, Michel Robitaille, J. B. Vachon, Michael Power, Michael Murphy, Olivier Gaboury, Robert Downes, Louis Myrand, William, O’Brien, William Teedon, Gilbert Downes, Joseph Lockwell, Patrick Malone, Thomas Malone, James Lynch, Jean Couture, Alexander Couture, sen., Fereole Couture, F. X. Beland, J. B. Jarnac, Barthelemi Chartier, Robert Boyte, John O’Sullivan, O. Gauvreau, J. B. Philbert, John Frederick, James Downes, C. Corneau, Edouard Verrault, William M’Kutcheon, John Millar, Bernard Daly, Jacques Jobin, John Cameron, Thomas Egan, James Mackie, James P. Boure, J. Bowen, Peter GelIy, Joseph Larose, P. M. Paquet, John Quinn, Thomas Redmond, Germain Savard,
Narcisse Valin, Louis Cloutier, James Lambert, Pierre M’Neil, jr., Michael Lynch, Charles Couture, Edward Haughton, Jean Bornais. John Curtin, Jerome Couture, Joseph Langlois, Michael Gibbons, Pierre M’Neil. senior, John Leek, Henry M’Peak, William Duggan, John Peverly, W. Lambert. Peter Gilgan, Charles Timony, George Larochelle, Richard Jeffery, F. X. Thompson, W. H. Hoogs, Thomas Clark, William French, E. T. Gauvreau, Louis Demers, Xavier Masson, David J. Gewais, Pierre Juinest, Robert Clark, John Clark, Roderick M’Gillis, John Tilly.

Post Office
John Sewell, postmaster;
David Logie, 1st clerk;
David M. Wright, 2nd clerk;
F. M. Becot, 3rd clerk;
Vincent Cazeau, 4th clerk;
John Watt, 1st letter carrier;
Robert Patton, 2nd letter carrier;
Richard Glover, 3rd letter carrier.

Customs Department
Imperial Customs.
John Bruce, comptroller;
John P. Meara, first assistant;
Edward Bartlett, second assistant;
James Mills, tide Surveyor.
Office, St. James street, L. T.

Custom House
J. W. DUNSCOMB, collector;
Ls. Massue, landing surveyor;
J. V. Bouchard, first clerk;
Neilson Ross, second clerk;
P. M. Partridge, clerk to surveyor;
J. B. A. Chartier, clerk to surveyor;
James Sealy, head locker;
J. A. Taschereau, 1st landing waiter;
Chs. E. Allen, 2nd landing waiter;
C. Cazeau, 3rd landing waiter;
Frs. Thompson, 4th landing waiter;
W. McCauley, house-keeper and messenger;
Hugh McHugh, sampler and weigher;
F. X. Frenette, appraiser;
F. X. Metivier, assistant appraiser;
D. McLean Stewart, check officer on foreign rafts, &c.

Courts Of Justice
Court Of Queen’s Bench.
Hon. Sir James Stuart, Bart., chief justice
Hons. Jean Roch Rolland, Philippe Panet,
Thomas Cushing Aylwin, puisne judges.
Court In Appeal And Error.
7th to 18th January, and st to 12th July.

Montreal.-1st To 12th March, And 1st To 12th October.
Court Of Criminal Jurisdiction.
Quebec. 20th January and 14th July.
Montreal.-14th March and 14th October.
Three-Rivers. 2nd February and 11th September.
Sherbrooke (district of St. Francis) 12th February and 1st September

Superior Court
Jurisdiction in suits over £50, currency.
Hon. Edward Bowen, chief justice; Hons. J. B. E. Bacquet, J. F. Duval, W. C. Meredith, judges.
Quebec. 1st to 20th April, September and December.
MONTREAL.1st to 20th April, September and December.

Circuit Court
Jurisdiction in suits up to £50, currency
Hons. William Power, Joseph A. Taschereau, judges.
Quebec Circuit. City of Quebec. On the last six juridical days of each month in the year, except August.

Justices Of The Peace
Who are resident within the city and banlieue of Quebec; according to the order in which they stand in the general commission of the peace now in force, bearing date the 9th day of October, 1845.

William King McCord, Q. C., inspector and superintendent of police.
Noah Freer, Joseph Morrin, Henry LeMesurier, John G. Clapham, Hammond Gowen. Ebenezer Baird, George Black, Edward Glackemeyer, Joseph Legare, Antoine A. Parent, Francois Xavier Paradis, Robert Symes, Christian Hoffman, Osborne L. Richardson, Thomas Conrad Lee, Robert Jellard, William H. A. Davies, William Petry, Richard I. Alleyn, Paul Lepper, Daniel McCallum, Francois Buteau, Charles M. DeFoy, Julien Chouinard, Michel Tessier, John Doran, William Ware, J. Zephirin Nault, Joseph Painchaud, George Holmes Parke, Joseph Robitaille, Frederick Petry, Edouard Rousseau, Wm. H. Anderson, William O’Brien, Josiah Hunt, Edouard Dugal, Rene Gabriel Belleau, Francois Joseph Parent, Jean Bte. TrudelIe, George Henderson, Ant. Ambroise Parent, Abraham Joseph, George Mellis Douglas, Adolphe Larne, Olivier Fiset, William Price, William Gunn.

Incorporated Board Of Notaries
E. Glackemeyer, president
A. B. Sirois, treasurer
Joseph Laurin, secretary
A. Campbell, L. T. McPherson, Joseph Petitelerc, Louis Prevost, C. M. DeFoy, J. B. Trudelle, J. B. A. Chartier, F. M. Guay, Louis Rue

Military Departments
Royal Engineers. Lieutenant Colonel C.O. Streatheld, commanding;
Captain R. S. Beatson,
Captain F. R. M. H. Somerset,.
Lieutenant H. Williams,
Lieutenant George Rankin.

Civil Branch
Robert Sands, M. Madden, clerks of works;
B. Collyer, W. S. Thorpe, F. N. Boxer, clerks;
W. Chessell, J. Grand, foremen of works; John Hall, office keeper.

Royal Ordinance
W. A. Holwell, storekeeper;
A. F. Thomas, D. Grant, W. H. Trigge, clerks;
Harry Cornwall, barrack master;
Captain Knight, town major.

Staff Of The Governor General
Lieutenant Colonel Hon. R. Bruce, military and private secretary
Captain Lord Mark Kerr, 20th regiment, A. D. C.
Lieutenant F. Grant, 70th regiment, A. D. C.
Captain H. Cotton, royal Canadian rifles, extra A. D. C.
Lieutenant Colonel E. Antrobus, Canadian. militia, provincial A. D. C.


Quebec Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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