1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Hardware to House Furnishings

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Hardware Merchants
Beliveau, L. J.,importer of shelf and heavy hardware of every description, 69 St. Paul st.
BOYD, J. & Co., commission merchants, and ‘manufacturers’ agents for American hardware, paper, cordage, belting, hose, and India rubber goods, 110 St. Paul st.
BREWSTER & MULHOLLAND, importers of shelf and heavy hardware of every description, 177 and 179 St. Paul st., corner of St. Francois Xavier st.
BREWSTER, W. & C., importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in shelf and heavy hardware, agricultural implements, &c., &c., 184 St. Paul st. See card, page 213.
BRYSON, ALEXANDER, wholesale dealer in general hardware, Cuvillier’s buildings, west wing, St. Sacrament st. See card, page 214.
EVANS, JOHN HENRY, importer of shelf and heavy hardware of every description, agent for McWatter’s platform scales, 197 St. Paul st. See card, page 212.
FERRIER & CO., importers of shelf and heavy hardware of every description and agents for the St. Maurice forges, 1814 St. Paul st., corner of St Francois Xavier st. See card, page 212.
FRANCIS, BENJAMIN, general importer of shelf and heavy hardware, 214 St. Paul st.
FROTHINGHAM & WORKMAN, importers of every kind of shelf and heavy hardware, 165 St. Paul st.
GRAY, GEORGE H., & Co., Boston, importers of and dealers in foreign and domestic hardware and other goods of every description, represented by Wm. Whitty in Montreal.
Wilson, Edward, 76i St. Paul st.
Wilson, Thomas, 65l St. Paul st.
HALDIMAND, BROTHERS, importers of all kinds of shelf and heavy hardware, 85 St,. Paul st. See card, page 215.

Hair Dressers And Perfumers
Allan, John, 212 Notre Dame st.
Allan, W. B., 63 St. Lawrence st.
Bansley, David, 1271/2 Notre Dame st.
Boyce, J. R., 157 Notre Dame st.
Ennis, John H., McGill st.
HALL, JOSEPH N., importer of shelf goods, heavy hardware and American hardware, of every description, also of stoves, agricultural implements, &c., 105 St. Paul st.
HAGAR, GEORGE, dealer in hardware, stoves, agricultural implements, fishing tackle, &c., 103 St. Paul st.
HIBBARD & CO., importers of and wholesale dealers in American hardware, 190 St. Paul st. See card, page 215.
KELLER, JoHN, importer of shelf and heavy hardware of every description, 91 St. Paul st.
SLEPAGE, OLIVIER, importer of all kinds of shelf and heavy hardware, 73 St. Paul st.
MORLAND & CO., importers of shelf goods and heavy hardware of all kinds, St. Joseph st. near St. Paul st.
PECK, THOMAS, & Co., importers of heavy hardware, manufacturers of nails, railroad and other spikes, 155 St. Paul t.
RODDEN, WILLIAM, importer of shelf and heavy hardware, and dealer in axes, stoves, weighing machines, &c., 191 St. Paul st.
SPRING BANK IRON WORKS, Scotland, James Moir, agent, 62 Commissioners st.
VENNOR, HENRY, & Co., importers of heavy hardware and manufacturers of wool cards, nails and spikes, 3 St. Sacrament st.
WILSON & COUILLARD, importers of and dealers in all kinds of shelf and heavy hardware, 170 St. Paul st.
WHITTY, WILLIAM, representative of George H. Gray & Co. of Boston, general hardware merchants.
Faucher, 0., St. Antoine bridge. Warren, Francis, 13 McGill t. Warren, William, 168 Notre Dame st.

Hatters And Furriers and retail
Bayley, James, 164 Notre Dame st.
BAZINET, ANTOINE, 118 Bleury St., practical furrier dresses, manufactures, and cures
Blanchard, Louis J., 125 St. Paul st.
Bohl, H. S., 89 St. Paul st.
Boudreau, Joseph, 111l St. Paul st.
Brahadi, A., 881 Notre Dame st. Hickok, Carter IL, 115 St. Paul st.
BRESLER, A., Notre Dame St., fur manufacturer .and dealer in hats and caps, wholesale
BROWN, JoHN, 153 St. Paul St., hat, fur, and cap manufacturer. See card, page 216.
furs and skins of all kinds.
GETTES, WILLIAM, 156 St. Paul St. hats, caps, furs, &c., constantly on hand at low prices.
GREENE & SONS, 229 St Paul St., manufacturers of furs and hats of every description See card, page 217.
HENDERSON, JOHN, 93 Notre Dame St., importer and manufacturer of hats, furs, robes, &re.
MAYER, J. C., 147 St. Paul St., importer and dealer in furs of every description.
McDowALL, ALEXANDER & Co., 30 McGill st,, manufacturers of hats, caps, and furs of all kinds.
MCIVER, GEORGE, 135 Notre Dame st., manufacturer of hats, furs, caps, &c. See card.
MERCKELL, JOHN H., wholesale and retail hatter and furrier.
NOXON, E. B. C. & Co., 100A Notre Dame st. every article in the line constantly for sale at very moderate prices or retail, at low prices.
SAMUEL, HENRY, 109 St. Paul st., hatter and furrier, wholesale and retail country merchants are invited to call and examine.
SAMUEL, MARK, 130 Notre Dame st., opposite the English Church hats, caps, and furs of all kinds constantly for sale at low prices.
STERNBERG, WOLFE, 197 Notre Dame St. furs, hats, paps, umbrellas, &e., of all kinds for sale cheap.
THOMPSON, WILLIAM, 205 Notre Dame st. hats, caps, furs, &e. of all kinds, wholesale
Non Members
Bohl, H. S., 89 St. Paul st.
Boudreau, Joseph, 111l St. Paul st.
Brahadi, A., 88i Notre Dame st.
Hickok, Carter IL, 115 St. Paul st.
Hyman, S., 29 St. Antoine st.
Mead, Joseph H., 106 Notre Dame St.
Morand, P., 68 Bonaventure st.
Solomon, C., 115 Norte Dame st.

Adelphi Hotel, W. C. Cogan, Place d’ Armes-steaks, chops, oysters, &c., at all hours.
CALEDONIA HOUSE, Mrs. McHardy, corner of Wellington and Grey Nun Sts. good
yard and tabling, and every accommodation for farmers, &c., at this house.
CALEDONIA HOUSE, John Morrison, 234 St. Paul st. excellent accommodations for farmers and travelers, there being a good yard and stabling, and the charges very moderate.
CANADA HOTEL, Mrs. St. Julien, 24 and 26 St. Gabriel St. this house is, in the vicinity of the steamboat landings and affords excellent accommodations.
DONEGANA’S HOTEL, G. W. Billings, 19 and 21 Notre Dame st.
EXCHANGE COFFEE HOUSE, M. P. Levine, Exchange Court, St. Paul St. a livery stable is attached, and the house will be found comfortable and charges moderate.
EAGLE HOTEL, Temperance house, F. Duclos, College St. travelers will meet with every attention and convenience at this house.
GRANT’S HOTEL, John Grant, St. Henry St. every attention is paid to guests at this house, and the accommodations will be found good.
HAYS’ HOUSE, George F. Pope, Dalhousie square.
LONDON COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Isaac Moffatt, 64 Commissioners St. this will be found a comfortable and convenient house for travelers.
MACK’S, (late Rasco’s,) HOTEL, John Mack, 65 St. Paul st. good accommodations and reasonable charges are the rule adhered to at this house.
MONKLAND’S HOTEL, John Orr-the drive out to this house is very pleasant, and every desirable comfort and recreation are to be found in the house, and on the grounds attached to it.
MONTREAL HOUSE, George Fellers, Custom House square sthis house is very commodious and central, and affords every desirable accommodation.
OTTAWA HOTEL, George Hall, Great St. James st.
PEOPLES HOTEL, John, C. Cullen, 207 Notre Dame St. the house has been newly fitted up, and will be found comfortable and the charges reasonable.
RAILROAD HOTEL, T. Moore, 100 Bonaventure St. this house is close to the Lachine railroad depot, and will be found comfortable, and the charges moderate.
RYAN’S HOTEL, M. Ryan, 231 St. Paul St. this house will be found central and convenient, and the charges moderate.
ST. LAWRENCE HALL, Vardon & .Hogan, Great St. James st.
WESTERN HOTEL, (formerly Ottawa hotel) Hewitt & Vosburgh, McGill St. a good yard and tabling is attached to this house, which is central and comfortable, and the charges reasonable.

House Furnishing Warehouse
NELSON & BUTTERS, 22 McGill st.


Montreal Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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