1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Banks And Bank Agencies

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Banks And Bank Agencies
Hours of business at all the Banks, 10 A. M. to 3 P. M.

Bank Of Montreal
Established In 1818.
Incorporated By An Act Of Provincial Parliament. Capital, £750,000.
Head Office, Place d’Armes.

Board Of Directors
The Hon. Peter McGill, president;
T. B. Anderson, vice-president;
James Logan, John Molson, John Redpath, William Molson, H. Stephens, John Torrance, Hugh Allan, John Brooke, John Boston, Thomas Ryan, Henry Thomas.
Alexander Simpson, cashier
James Bolton, chief clerk
J. F. Smith, accountant
A. Cameron, 2nd accountant
F. Blackader, 3rd accountant
Samuel Read, accountant of branches and agencies
F. M. Holmes, 1st teller
C. J. Brown, 2nd teller
John Porteous, 3rd teller
William P. Street, discount clerk
F. Franklin, transfer clerk
John Lloyd, assistant clerk
R. Milroy, assistant clerk
R. A. Lindsay, exchange clerk
H. B. Picken, messenger
J. Brennan, porter
Thomas Tooke, porter
Frederick Griffin, solicitor
John C. Griffin, notary
Discount days Tuesdays and Fridays Dividends 1st June and 1st December.

Branches And Agencies In Canada
Quebec Branch
William Gunn, manager

Toronto Branch
William Wilson, cashier

Kingston Agency
A. Drummond, agent
Hamilton Agency, J. Stevenson, agent
Bytown Agency, George Dyett, agent
Cobourg Agency, C. H. Morgan, agent
Brockville Agency, Thomas Lee, agent
London Agency, J. Fraser, agent
St. Catherines Agency, H. Mittleberger, agent
Belleville Agency, Q. Macnider, agent
St. Thomas Agency, E. Ermatinger, agent
Bowmanville Agency, John Simpson, agent
Peterboro’ Agency, R. Nichols, agent
Picton Agency, C. Mortimer, agent
Port Hope Agency, R. N. Waddell, agent
Port Stanley Agency, Richard Smith, agent
Woodstock Agency, H. C. Barwick, agent
Brantford Agency, W. Muirhead, agent

Bank Of British North America
Incorporated By Royal Charter. Paid Up Capital, One Million, Sterling.
Court Of Directors
Henry Barwell, Sir Robert Campbell, Bart., Robert Charter, W. R. Chapman, James John Cummins, John Stewart, James Dowie, Oliver Farrer, Alexander Gillespie, Sir A. Pellet Green, W. Chapman, T. H. Brooking;
George de Bosco Atwood, secretary,
Thomas Paton, inspector of branches.

Montreal Branch
Board of Local Directors Hon. James Ferrier, J. B. Green shields, Sir George Simpson, William Dow; David Davidson, manager; C. F. Smithers, accountant.
Discount days Wednesdays and Saturdays.

City Bank
Place d’Armes
Directors William Workman,
president; William Lyman,
vice-president; L. H.. Holton, John Carter, W. Macdonald.

F. Maculloch, cashier;
Thomas Connolly, accountant;
P. Lesueur, paying teller;
John Major, receiving teller;
J. L. Mathewson and Waiter Ross, clerks s;
James Maclea, messenger.
Discount days Mondays and Thursdays. Dividends 1st June and 1st December.

Hon. L. M. Viger, president;
Jacob DeWitt, vice-president;
J. F. Allard, Hon. F. A. Quesnel, H. B. Smith, P. Jodoin, Alexis Sauvageau, A. E. Montmarquet, S. B. Bonner, J. Bruneau, H. Starnes.

B. H. LeMoine, cashier
G. Peltier, accountant
J. L. Brault paying teller
John James Morley, discount clerk
J. E. Mailhot, receiving teller
C. Bourdon, assistant accountant
J. M. Bonacina, assistant discount clerk
P. Adhemar, clerk
C. F. Papineau, notary
Robert Turner, porter.

Montreal Savings Bank
It the Bank of Montreal, Place d’Armes.
S. Gerrard, president;
J. Frothingham, vice-president;.
John Armour, secretary. Open every Monday, from 11 o’clock, A. M., to 1 o’clock, P. M.

City And District Savings Bank
29 St. Francois Xavier street.
Patron-His Lordship The Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal.
Board Of Directors
William Workman, president;
Alfred LaRocque, vice-president;
Hon. A. N. Morin, Hon. Joseph Bourret, H. Mulholland, E. Atwater, L. H. Holton, Henry Judah, A. M. Delisle. J. B. Smith.
John Collins, actuary;
E. J. Barbeau, clerk.
Deposits are received every day from 10 A. M., to 3 P. M.;
The Board Of Directors Meet Regularly Every Tuesday Evening.

Provident And Savings Bank
Insurance Company’s Buildings, Great St. James street.
James Court, actuary, (now winding up.)

Bank Agencies
Bank of Upper Canada, 45 Great St, James st.
Joseph Wenham, manager
E. T. Taylor, accountant
E. Vennor, clerk
Geo. Goldie, assistant clerk

Commercial Bank of the Midland District, 37 Great St. James st.
A. H. Campbell, cashier
J. V. Noel, accountant
Thomas Kirby, teller
W. J. Buchanan, clerk


Montreal Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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