1851 Industry or St. Charles Borrormee Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Seigniory of Lanoraie, County of Berthier, Canada East distant from Montreal, 42 miles there is a railroad to the Village of Rawdon-rate of fare, first class, 2s. second class, 1s. there is college of industry, known as “Joliette College,” here, at which the boarding and tuition costs only £6 15s. per annum.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
DeLanaudiere, Gaspard, commissioner of small causes.
Dufresne, Francois B., general store.
Frechette, Louis, general store.
Groulx, Joseph, advocate.
Hall, Henry, M. D.
Hambeau, Alexis, foundry.
Laurier, Louis, M. D.
Leblanc, Theophile Ovide, notary public and clerk of commissioners court.
LEODEL, PETER CHARLES, M. D., lieutenant colonel of militia, and commissioner for small causes.
Leprohon, B. Henry, M. D.
Magian, Adolphe, notary public.
Manseau, Rev. Antoine, Roman Catholic.
Melancon, Isaie, postmaster.
Panneton, Charles H., general store.
Papin, Captain Francois, commissioner of small causes.
Prudhomme, Jean Baptiste, boarding house.
Scallon, Captain Edward, J. P. and general store.
SCALLON, EDWARD, merchant and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, grain, flour, pork and sawed lumber.
Trudeau, Bazile, miller’
Trudeau, Charles, miller.
Trudeau, Francois, miller.
Trudeau, Michel, miller.
Trudeau, O., M. D.
Twiss, Jean Baptiste, boarding house.
Voyer, A. Thomas, M’ D.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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