Ministers And Churches Of Scotsburn, Including Rogers Hill And Plainfield

St. John’s Church (Kirk) was built in 1838. It was the first church in the place and is still standing. Rev. R. Macaulay and Rev. D. McConnachie were the first ministers. Rev. John Sinclair was pastor for five years. In 1860 Rev. John Goodwill was inducted and resigned in 1871 to go as missionary to New Hebrides. The last minister of the Kirk church was the Rev. J. W. Fraser who spent his whole ministry at Scotsburn.

The Free Church was formed, after the disruption, in 1844, and in 1862 Bethel Church was built. Rev. Alex. Sutherland was the first minister. The other pastors in order of induction were: Revs. Alex. Stirling, 1871; J. A. Cairns, 1887; Thos. Cumming, D.D., 1898; W. A. Ross, 1908. Upon Mr. Fraser’s retirement in 1907, St. John’s Church and Bethel were united. Rev. A. D. Stirling is the present pastor, inducted 1910.

Ministers Born In Scotsburn District

John Murray, Scotsburn, Stanley Bridge, P. E. I. Retired from the Ministry.

James Murray, B.D., D.D., Scotsburn; Toronto, Ont. Pastor, Erskine Church.

Robert C. Murray, Scotsburn; Died in India, 1888.

George Murray, Scotsburn; Nicola, B. C. Retired from the Ministry.

John Gordon, Scotsburn; Nelson, B. C.

Aeneas Gordon, Scotsburn, Kings Kettle, Fifeshire, Scotland.

Hugh McLeod, Scotsburn. Born 1826, graduated, Amherst College 1851, studied, Bangor Theological Seminary. Settled in Springfield, Ohio, as pastor of the Congregational Church. In 1857 went to New Hampshire, where he spent the most of his ministerial life. During the Civil War he served honorably as Chaplain in the Army. He died at Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 19, 1900.

Daniel W. McLeod, Scotsburn; Hollywood, Calif. Relinquished his studies for the ministry on account of ill health. Prominent elder on the Pacific Coast for many years.

Isaac Murray, D.D., Scotsburn; Died 1906. He received his theological training in West River Seminary, and Princeton Seminary, N. J. In 1849 he was inducted pastor of the congregation of Cavendish and New London, P. E. I., successor to Dr. Geddie. Here he labored for 27 years, wielding a large influence not only as a minister, but as an educationist and writer. In 1877 he was called to Thorburn and Sutherland’s River. Here he remained for seven years, when he was settled in North Sydney, where he remained until his retirement in 1896. Dr. Murray was a man of fine attainments, and one of the most faithful in his attendance upon Church courts.

J. Allister Murray, Scotsburn; Died 1894. In 1857 he was settled at Annapolis, N. S. Three years later he accepted a call to Bathurst, N. B. He afterwards removed to Ontario where he labored during the remainder of his life. His chief work was at London, Ont., where he ministered for about twenty years. Mr. Murray as a very effective and forcible preacher. He was a brother of the Rev. Isaac Murray.

A. D. Stirling, B.A., Scotsburn; Scotsburn, N. S.

John Stirling, B.A., Scotsburn; Cavendish, P. E. I. Sons of the late Rev. Alexander Stirling.

John Stewart, Scotsburn; Deceased. Student for the ministry. He entered Dal. Univ., 1874 and won a scholarship. During his second year in college he died aged twenty-three. He was a young man of fine ability.

Hugh Mcintosh, Scotsburn; Deceased.

Alex. Mckenzie, Scotsburn; Deceased. Mr. McIntosh and Mr. McKenzie were both students for the ministry and promising young men.

E. D. Miller, D.D., Rogers Hill. Died 1909. Rev. Mr. Miller was a grandson of Rev. Duncan Ross. After a successful course of study he was ordained, on Oct. 28, 1872, in Shelburne. After he left Shelburne he labored with great zeal and energy in Lunenburg and Yarmouth, and was eminently successful in both places. After 16 years of work in Yarmouth he was called to Chalmer’s Church, Halifax.

He settled there in 1907. He was an instructive preacher, a sympathetic pastor, and deeply interested in all the enterprises of the Church. His ministry spanned thirty-six very busy years.

Duncan Miller, Rogers Hill; Deceased.

James Miller, Rogers Hill; Deceased. Brothers of the Rev. E. D. Miller, and died while preparing for the ministry.

John W. Matheson, Rogers Hill; Died in New Hebrides, 1862.

Anderson Rogers, D.D., Rogers Hill. Halifax, N. S. Dr. Rogers enjoys the honor of having formed the first Christian Endeavor Society in N. S., at Yarmouth, in 1885.

James Fitzpatrick, B.A., Rogers Hill; New Annan, N.S.

John R. Fitzpatrick, Rogers Hill; Died 1893. Educated at Dalhousie and Presbyterian College, Halifax. Settled at Carleton, N. B., but resigned on account of ill health. He was brother of the Rev. James Fitzpatrick.

Roderick McKay, B.D., Rogers Hill; Kingston, Ont.

John A. Fraser, Rogers Hill; Oakland, Calif.

Robert Murray, Rogers Hill; O’Leary, P. E. I.

William B. MacCallum, Rogers Hill; New Richmond, Quebec.

Roderick C. Jackson, Rogers Hill; Farmington, New Mexico.

Alexander Sutherland, Plainfield; Died 1897. He was born in Lairg, Scotland, 1816. While a child his parents came to Nova Scotia. He was sent to Edinburgh to complete his education, and at the age of 28, he entered upon the ministry. His first charge in Pictou Presbytery was 40 miles in extent. In seven years four congregations were organized and five new churches. In 1852 he removed to Prince Edward Island, where he labored for seven years and organized four congregations with two new churches. A call was sent to him three times from his former field, the third time urging him to return on the ground that four congregations that hesitated would enter the union of 1860 if he should return, which he did, and these congregations entered without a dissenting voice. During the next few years he occupied Earltown, West Branch, Scotsburn and Saltsprings, gathering the fruits of seed sown during previous years. In 1874 he went to Canada where he labored until Aug., 1897. His ministerial jubilee was celebrated at Ripley, Ontario, 1896. Seventeen ministers were present and over one thousand people. He was always punctual in fulfilling appointments. Many times did he break the road before his horse through deep snows, while his coat was frozen about him. A large number of the ministers of our church received their first impulses and ideal under his ministry.

William Sutherland, Plainfield; Deceased. His whole ministry was spent in Ontario, where he died.

Alfred Fitzpatrick, B.A., Plainfield; Toronto, Ont. Director and Superintendent of Educational Work among the lumber camps of Canada.

Luther L. Young, B.A., Millsville; Ham Heung, Korea.

MacPhie, John Peter. Pictonians at home and abroad; sketches of professional men and women of Pictou County its history and institutions. Boston: Pinkham Press. 1914.

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