Biography of Robert Douglass, A. V., M. D.

Robert Douglass, the oldest physician and surgeon in Port Elgin, is a native of this Province, dating ‘his birth in the Township of Nelson, County of Halton, June 8, 1833. His father, Robert Douglass, senior, was from the State of New York; his grandfather from Scotland. His mother was Jane McGill, from Belfast, Ireland. Dr. Douglass was educated in the Arts at Queen’s College, Kingston, being graduated in 1851, and spent one year in the study of medicine at the same institution, and three years at Trinity College, Toronto; received the Degree of M.D. from the former school in 1855. He practiced three or four years at Jarvis, County of Haldimand, and after a respite of one year or more on account of ill health settled in Port Elgin in the spring of 1861. He soon built up a good practice, has stuck close to his profession, and has made it a success. His reputation for skill is excellent.

Dr. Douglass has been a Coroner of the county for the last fifteen or sixteen years, and is a member of the School Board, giving considerable attention to educational matters, for which his own thorough drill in the sciences at an early day eminently qualified him.

Dr. Douglass is an. earnest Reformer, and in 1867 was the candidate of his party for the House of Commons, for the North Riding of Bruce, anti came within seven or eight votes of being elected. He is President of the Reform Association of Port Elgin, and a man of much influence among his political confreres, and of prominence as a citizen.
The Doctor holds his religious connection with the Presbyterian Church, cherishing sacredly the faith of his ancestors from the days of Knox, and is living an exemplary life.

September 30, 1857, Miss Eleanor Sproat, of Milton, county town of Halton, was joined in wedlock with Dr. Douglass, and died July 18, 1877, leaving four daughters, all yet living. Their names are, Jennie, Marion E., Eleanor, and Helen Sproat.



Ontario Canada,

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