Biography of Rev. Charles J. S. Bethune, M. A.

Rev. Charles James Stewart Bethune, Head Master Of Trinity College School, Port Hope, and a noted Entomologist, as well as English and classical scholar, was born at West Flamboro’, Ontario, August 11, 1838, being a son of the late Lord Bishop of Toronto, whose sketch is in preceding pages. He was educated at Upper Canada College, and Trinity College, Toronto, graduating B.A. in 1859, with first class classical honors, and honorary fourth in mathematics, and M.A. in 1861.

He was ordained Deacon the same year, and Priest in 1862, by the Bishop of Toronto. Between the latter year and 1866 he was Curate at Cobourg, Ontario, and Carlton, Selby, Yorkshire, England, and since September, 1870, has been Head Master of Trinity College School, Port Hope.

Mr. Bethune is well known in the United States and Great Britain, as well as Canada, as an Entomologist. He was Secretary of the Entomological Society of Canada for seven years; was President of it from 1870 to 1875; is now Vice President, and was Entomological Editor of the Canadian Farmer for nine years, and Editor of the Canadian Entomologist from 1868 to 1873. He has attended scientific conventions at Salem, Mass., Dubuque, Iowa, and Buffalo, New York, and is a corresponding member of scientific societies in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Buffalo, Davenport, Brooklyn, and Halifax, and other cities. His writings on entomological subjects, written for the Journals named above, and for various other scientific periodicals, have attracted a great deal of attention among scientists. He is joint author of the Annual Report on Insects, presented to the Legislature of Ontario.

April 21, 1863, Alice, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Forlong, of the 43rd Regiment, became the wife of our subject, and they have five children.

Port Hope is one of those towns which seem to appreciate the benefit of a classical school, with its refining and elevating influence; and fosters and encourages this institution, which is located on a twenty-acre lot, three-fourths of a mile east of the town. It is on the highest point of land in that vicinity, and quite elevated and airy, with picturesque surroundings. Its play grounds and drill grounds are ample and admirable, and within doors is every facility for instruction, with an ample corps of experienced educators. The College building, including the neat chapel at the east end, presents a south front, facing the main traveled road to Cobourg, of three hundred feet, and a west front since the wing was there added of eighty feet. The huge structure huge for a town like Port Hope is admirably arranged for every purpose for which it is needed. Under its popular management, the School is receiving, as it deserves, a very generous support.

The discipline and management of the school are based upon the English public school system, whilst the supervision of the pupils after school hours is chiefly vested in the hands of the older pupils from advanced classes, who are selected for their fitness by the head master. The course of instruction includes all the usual branches of a sound education in classics, mathematics, English, German, French, natural sciences, bookkeeping, drawing, vocal music and military drill. Pupils are here prepared for the matriculation examination of the universities, and the entrance examination of the law and medical schools, military college, army, navy, &c., whilst a class is devoted to special preparation for commercial life.



Ontario Canada,

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