Biography of John Burnham, MX.

The subject of this brief sketch is a son of Rev. Mark Burnham, and grandson of Zacheus Burnham, both of whom are elsewhere mentioned in this volume, and was born at St. Thomas, county of Elgin, Ontario, on the 3rd of December, 1842. He was educated at the grammar schools in Peterboro’ and Galt, at the latter town under Professor Tassie, now at the head of the Collegiate Institute at the same place; read law with Charles A. Weller, county attorney of Peterboro; was called to the Bar at Hilary term, 1865, and from that date has bee n in practice at Peterboro, his home being in Ashburnham, which is separated from Peterboro’ by the Otonabee river. He does business in the several courts of the Province and Dominion, and had a liberal practice almost from the start. Mr. Burnham has good legal attainments and excellent abilities, is a close student, a solid thinker, and an ambitious and growing man.

Mr. Burnham became connected with the volunteer service in 1862, being Captain of a volunteer company for a number of years, resigning to take the position of paymaster with rank of Captain of the 57th battalion; was a member of the Ashburnham school board at one period; has been in the village council since 1868, and reeve since 1872; was warden of the county in 1877, 1878 and 1879, and elected for 1880, but resigned. His services in the county council have been quite valuable, and his election for a fourth term of office as warden, shows his standing in that body.

He is a director of the Peterboro’ horticultural society; takes an interest in public enterprizes generally and promptly, and lends a helping hand in such matters.

In September, 1878, he was elected to the House of Commons, to represent the east riding of Peterboro’, and is a member of the Committee on Standing Orders and Immigration, and very attentive to business. His politics are Conservative.

His religious connection has always been with the Church of England, and for the last four years he has been warden of St. Luke’s church, Ashburnham.

The wife of Mr. Burnham was Maria McGregor Rogers, daughter of Robert D. Rogers, of Ashburnham, married on the 11th of February, 1868. They have buried two children and have four living.



Ontario Canada,

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