Biography of Andrew Cox

ANDREW COX. The farmers of Shannon County, Missouri, are noted for their thrift, energy and perseverance, and consequently for the success which has attended their efforts. Prominent among these is Andrew Cox, who was born in Sullivan County, Tennessee, in 1854, of which section his parents, David and Jane (Hughes) Cox, were also born, the former in 1818 and the latter in 1821. Until about 1858 they resided in the State of their birth and in Virginia, then came by wagon to Shannon County, the journey thither occupying thirty-six days. They located in Spring Valley and after residing there for quite a number of years removed to Current River, where the father died in June, 1886, and the mother in December, 1890. Mr. Cox devoted his attention to farming throughout life, was successful in this calling and became well to do. He was one of the county’s most substantial citizens and his death was much regretted. He had two brothers and three sisters: William, Caleb, Nancy, Louisa and Harriet. Their father, Gilberry Cox, died in Sullivan County, Tennessee, but was a native of one of the Carolinas and was of Irish origin. The maternal grandfather, James Hughes, came to Shannon County, Missouri, in 1858, but died a few days after his arrival in this section, having been a wagon maker bytrade. His wife died in Tennessee. Andrew Cox was one of the following children: Nancy, wife of Peter Rose, of Texas; Caleb J., of Shannon County; Mary, of Crawford County; Andrew; James; Sarah, wife of James Armstrong; William; David; John, who died in this county, and Sallie, wife of John Howell.

Andrew Cox spent his youth and early manhood on his father’s farm, and owing to the scarcity of schools at that time the educational advantages which he received were very limited indeed. He remained with his parents until he was twenty-four years of age, and in 1880 was married to Olive, daughter of James and Haney George, who came from Illinois to Shannon County, Missouri; and died at Spring Valley. Mrs. Cox was born at Spring Valley, Missouri, and was reared and educated here. Her union with Mr. Cox has resulted in the birth of one son, James Napoleon. Mr. Cox lived on Current River for one year after his marriage, since which time his home has been where he now lives, where he has two good farms, both of which he has nicely improved himself. Throughout life he has followed farming, and as he started out to make his own way in the world with but little capital the success which has attended his efforts has been remarkable, and his career is well worthy the imitation of those situated as he was. He is a member of Eminence Lodge No. 455, of the I. O. O. F., and politically has been a life-long Democrat, and cast his first presidential vote for Tilden in 1876.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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