Biographical Sketch of William Elgin

William Elgin is a native of Ohio, born in Wayne County, May 28, 1827. When he was four years of age his parents moved to Montgomery County, Ohio, and until he reached his twentieth year he attended school in that County, and also learned the cabinet-maker’s trade and spent some tine in farming. In 1849 he went to Dayton, Ohio, and from thence to Logansport, Indiana, working at his trade in both cities. At the end of two years he returned to Montgomery County and turned his attention to farming. After this he removed to Warren County, and enlisted, in 1861, in Company E., Fiftieth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, but remained only a short time on duty when he was appointed to act as captain of a company for home protection. In 1865 he came to Daviess County, purchased a farm in Sheridan Township, which he improved and cultivated for a few years, when he sold it and purchased the farm on which he now resides.

Mr. Elgin was married, December 16, 1847, to Miss Rhoda M. Crosley, a native of Warren County, Ohio. They have four children: Josephine, born July 15, 1850; William Harry, born. July 22, 1859; Anna D., born October 31, 1863; and Clara, born March 16, 1867.


The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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