Biographical Sketch of Robert C. Grove

Was born in Lewistown, Frederick County, Maryland, October 10, 1842. His parents moved to Bedford County, Pennsylvania, when Robert was sevens years old, and there he was partly educated. In the spring of 1855, he went: to the Harrisburg Orphans’ Home, where he remained until the spring of 1861. The war then lowering like a storm-cloud over the land, Mr. Grove entered the Federal service as a private soldier, but was soon promoted to second lieutenant. He served creditably until April, 1863, when he was honorably discharged. He then entered a seminary of learning, and graduated there from in 1866. Soon afterwards he came to Johnson County, this State, and began teaching at Holden. From Holden he went to Independence, where lie again taught school, and from there returned to Bedford County, Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1870. He then came back. to Missouri, locating in Breckinridge, Caldwell County, but only remained a. short time, when he moved to Daviess County, and has resided here ever since,. mostly engaged in teaching. He was married, in Blair County Pennsylvania, January 1, 1870, to Miss Kate A. Dean, a Dative of Huntington County, that State, born July 25,1839. One child has been born of this union, named. Dudly E., born July 25, 1881.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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