Beecher, Lawson Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon

Mrs. Lawson Beecher died early Saturday morning in the Enterprise hospital where she had been a patient several weeks. She had been ill for six months and went to the hospital for treatment after her condition had become serious. For four days before the end came she had resigned herself to it and said she was ready to go. Many of her friends called to see her and she discussed her condition with them very calmly, retaining her self possession better than any of her visitors. In fact she never broke down until, shortly before he passed away and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mitchell brought their baby, Mrs. Beecher’s nephew and always a favorite with her.

The funeral was Sunday afternoon in the Federated church and was very largely attended. It was conducted by Rev. A. J. Adams. Members of the Rebekah and I.O.O.F lodges attended in a body. The Rebekah ceremonial was given at the grave, in accord with the wishes of Mrs. Beecher who was a loyal member of the order.

Mrs. Beecher was born, Mary Bertha Mitchell, in Cherokee County, Kansas, December 22, 1879, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mitchell. The family came directly to Wallowa County in 1889, arriving February 18. She was married, May 16, 1906, to Mr. Beecher and they moved to the Imnaha and went into the cattle business.

[ed. note: the home was down river from the PO] They remained on the river until two years ago, enjoying much prosperity. Then Mr. Beecher sold his ranch and stock and moved to Enterprise where he bought property and went into business.

Mrs. Beecher’s parents are still living in Pine Valley. Her father is 89 years old and has been back in Wallowa county several times since he moved to Pine valley. Two brothers of Mrs. Beecher survive her, George W. Mitchell of Enterprise and Willis Mitchell of Halfway, Pine Valley. The latter was here for a week during his sister’s last illness, but was called back to Halfway by illness in his own family. Mr. and Mrs. Beecher had no children. Mrs. Beecher had been a member of the Christian church since her early womanhood.

Wallowa Co. Chieftain, Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon
Contributed by Jim Stanley



White, Judy Wallis. Wallowa County Oregon Obituaries. AccessGenealogy. © 1999-2016, all rights reserved.

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