Baker, Sarah Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Sarah Baker died at her home near Wallowa on Monday, July 29th, having just passed her 76th birthday. She was buried from the Baptist church in Enterprise on July 30th. Rev. Loree of this place had charge of the service. Mrs. Asa Hulse of this city was a granddaughter.

Wallowa County Recorder Wednesday July 31, 1918

Mrs. Sarah Baker Goes To Her Rest

Had Lived in County for 30 Years, First at Wallowa and Later on Swamp Creek.

Mrs. Sarah Baker, widow of James T. Baker and a Wallowa county pioneer, died early Monday morning, July 29, 1918, at the home of her son, Neal, in the middle valley. She suffered a stroke of paralysis recently, which appears to have been the real cause of death. Last week she had a fall, but this seemed to have been caused by her condition and did not contribute to the fatal termination of her illness.

The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the Baptist church and burial was in the Enterprise cemetery. Rev. D. Loree conducted the service. All the children were present except two sons who are living at a distance, and many old friends attended to pay their last respects to the well known pioneer.

Sarah Bowles was born in Kentucky July 4, 1842, and was married to Mr. Baker Nov. 21, 1862. They came west 30 years ago, coming directly to this valley and making their home at Wallowa. They moved to Union county after two years and remained there a season, then came back to Wallowa county, and had made their home since then on or near Swamp creek. For 16 years they made their home with Neal Baker. Mrs. Baker always remembered her old home in the east and had crossed the plains nine times between Oregon and Kentucky.

In December 1916, James Baker died at his son’s home. The children surviving are Mrs. Sarah Bales, Thos. Baker of Arkansas, Geo. Baker, who is working in the shipyards at Vancouver, John Baker of Oakland, and Sam, Leonard and Neal Baker of this county. Another sister, Mrs. Lucy Anderson, died 27 years ago at Wallowa.

Mrs. Baker was blessed with a cheerful disposition and performed her part in life well, as a good wife and mother and a kind neighbor.

Card of Thanks

We wish to express our thanks to friends and neighbors who were so kind and helpful during the last illness of our mother.

Children of Mrs. Sarah Baker
Enterprise Record Chieftain, Thursday August 1, 1918



White, Judy Wallis. Wallowa County Oregon Obituaries. AccessGenealogy. © 1999-2016, all rights reserved.

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