Biography of Andrew J. Silver

Andrew J. Silver, senior partner in the firm of Silver & Hall, Gossville, and an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in Deerfield, N.H., May 9, 1835, son of Joseph M. and Sarah S. (Chase) Silver. The latter, natives respectively of Haverhill, Mass., and Deerfield, were both born in the year 1800. Joseph M. Silver moved to Deerfield when quite young and learned the carpenter’s trade. The active portion of his life was devoted to that calling. He owned a good farm, which he also cultivated with success, and lived to the age of eighty-eight years. In politics he acted with the Republican party. His wife, Sarah, who was a daughter of Nathan Chase, of Deerfield, became the mother of seven children, of whom there are living: Abbie C., John W., Andrew J., Horace C., and Charles W. Abbie C. is the wife of C. W. Prescott, of Raymond, N.H. John W. married Hattie Chase, of Chester, N.H.; and his children are: Walter H. and Charles P. Horace C. first married Mary E. Brown, and subsequently Mrs. Josephine White, a native of Tilton, and the widow of Charles H. White. Neither wife is now living. Charles W. married Abbie Arlin, of Manchester, N.H. Mrs. Joseph M. Silver died at the age of eighty-two. She and her husband were members of the Congregational church.

Andrew J. Silver completed his education at the Pittsfield Academy. After assisting his father for a short time, he became a clerk in a general store at Suncook village, in the town of Pembroke; and later he worked in the same capacity at Hookset. During the latter part of the Civil War he was clerk at the naval store connected with the United States Navy Yard at Portsmouth. After the war he followed the same occupation for a short time longer, and then established a general store, which he conducted for a year. In 1870 he went to Epsom, and formed a partnership with Jacob F. Robinson, the firm of Silver & Robinson conducting a thriving business for thirteen years. He then associated himself with Charles S. Hall, his present partner, and the firm of Silver & Hall have since had a profitable trade in Gossville.

On November 30, 1870, Mr. Silver married Juliette E. James, daughter of Jeremiah G. James, of Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. Silver have one son, Harry, who was born September 2, 1882. During the years 1878 and 1879 Mr. Silver represented Epsom in the legislature, and was the first Republican member of that body from this town. He has been Postmaster in Gossville since 1881. He is connected with Rockingham Lodge, F. & A. M., of Candia, N.H., and has occupied all of the important chairs in Evergreen Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Short Falls. He ranks among the leading business men of Epsom, and his political services are highly appreciated by his fellow-townsmen.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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