Biography of Nathaniel Skinner

Nathaniel Skinner was born April 8, 1851, at Harrison county, Kentucky, third son of Nathaniel Skinner, of that county. His mother was a Miss Cleveland. Nathaniel attended public school till fifteen years of age, completing his education at Sedalia after one year’s schooling in that city. His family moved from Kentucky to Cooper County, Missouri, in 1856, Nathaniel went to western Kansas and thee embarked in the cattle business, remaining till 1871, when he moved to Vinita in the Cherokee Nation, and there carried on the business, buying and shipping cattle to Northern markets. In 1878 he opened a stock ranch and still carries on the trade.

In March 1879, Mr. Skinner married Miss Nannie Kell, daughter of Louis Kell, a prominent Cherokee and at his death a member of the National Council. Mrs. Skinner was a half-Cherokee, a beautiful and accomplished woman, but unfortunately died on her twenty-eighth birthday, January 28, 1889. At the time of her death Mrs. Skinner was treasurer of the Methodist Home Mission Society, and a good Christian, ever ready to extend a helping hand in poverty and sickness. By this marriage Mr. Skinner has three children, Louie, John and Ray.

Messrs. Skinner & Radcliffe have a large mercantile house in Vinita and do an extensive business. Mr. Skinner has 4,000 head of cattle, and in 1891 handled 10,000 head, shipping 6,000 to market. He has also 700 acres in cultivation and six building lots with fine store building and residence in Vinita, where he resides. Mr. Skinner is about five feet eight and a half inches and weighs 150 pounds, a gentleman of good appearance and address and deservedly popular with all classes. As a businessman he has few superiors, having great force of character and decision, while his courteous manner gains him many friends.


Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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