Biography of Rev. David M. Allen

Rev. David M. Allen was born April 25, 1840, at Denmark, Tennessee, second son of Rev. D. J. Allen, a prominent member of the Memphis conference; president of the Franklin Female College, Holly Springs, Mississippi; and pastor of the Asberry Church, Memphis, Tennessee. David’s mother was a Miss F. Alison, and was married to Rev. D. J. Allen at Marion Court, South Carolina. David attended public school until he was thirteen years of age, when he went to Florence University, Florence, Alabama, where he remained three years. He went to the Indian Territory in 1864, with General Maxey, and in 1877 embarked in the cattle business, continuing the same till 1885, when he became a convert, and at once began the work of elder in the Presbyterian Church. He was licensed the same year to preach, and the following year (October, 1886) was ordained to the full gospel ministry. The Rev. D. M. Allen’s first Christian work was at Oowala, where he built up a strong Presbyterian church, which is still upon the minutes of the assembly. In 1887 he was transferred to Fort Gibson, where he worked for three years, when the church grew from a membership of 31 to 97, and was then the most prosperous church in the presbytery. In 1890 Mr. Allen was sent, by order of the presbytery, to Vinita, at which place he has a flourishing church, with an united membership and a large congregation. In connection with his regular work, Mr. Allen has held evangelistic meetings throughout the county, and has met with wonderful success. November 30, 1871, Rev. David M. Allen married Miss Mary Price, daughter of Charles Price and Elvira Nave, who was niece of Chief John Ross. Mrs. Allen is a lady of education and refinement, lovable, charitable and an enthusiastic Christian worker. Rev. Mr. Allen is about five feet eight inches, and weighs about 140 pounds; is of gentlemanly address and intellectual appearance, with considerable force of character. As a preacher he is classed among the foremost in the territory; while he is also regarded as one of the most devoted of Christian workers, whose example has not only in the past, but will in the future lead many of his admirers to turn their minds more from things of the earth, and build themselves a permanent mansion. Long may his influence be felt among the people of Vinita and its surroundings.


Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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