Biographical Sketch of Ellis M. Alberty

Ellis M. Alberty was born May 4, 1854, in Going Snake district, the son of Moses Alberty (a Georgian, who settled in this nation in 1832) and Elizabeth Buffington, daughter of Ellis Buffington. Ellis, while but six years of age, commenced attending school at Prairie Grove, but after the outbreak of the war refugeed with his parents near Goodwater, Choctaw Nation. Here Ellis visited the mission school off and on until 1866, when his family returned to the home place in Going Snake district. At the Baptist Mission in this district Ellis completed his education. On June 14, 1874, he married Martha Murrell, daughter of a Texas gentleman of that name. By this marriage he has three children, Spencer Lee, twelve years old; William H. and Lulu, aged eight years. Mr. Alberty’s first important office was that of senator to represent the Going Snake district, to which office he was elected August 3, 1891, his opponents being J. M. Starr and Johnson Spaight. He is a strong supporter of the Downing party, and as he says himself, will hang with them until the end. He has 150 acres in cultivation, which he farms himself, his land being of the richest and most durable quality. His boys are attending Prairie Grove School, and will be provided with a good, sound education. Mr. Alberty is a quiet, dignified gentlemen of unimpeachable honor, and very popular with his people. He is first cousin to Thomas Buffington, president of the senate, and to Senator Ellis Buffington, of Flint district.


Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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