Biography of W. M. Hogsett

W. M. Hogsett was born in the state of Tennessee on the 22nd day of February 1835. At the age of sixteen years he came to Texas with his mother and located near the old Lollar store. His father was a soldier in the Mexican war and died in the year 1846, while he was serving his country as a soldier.

At the age of 21 years Mr. Hogsett married Miss Elizabeth Liles, daughter of William tiles then of Sulphur Springs and began to battle with the question of bread and butter. By this union five children were born, only one of these is living, Amos Hogsett. Mr. Hogsett lost his first companion and subsequently married Melvina Voss, and were the parents of six children, four of these are living. They all reside in the county, only one living at home, Miss Pearl, a bright intellectual woman of engaging manners and social disposition. Mr. Hogsett is living at this time near where his mother located when he was a child.

He has farmed and raised stock for a livelihood. Some years ago he diverted his attention to the raising of blooded horses and mules. He has handled some of the best-blooded animals, perhaps, that have ever been imported into the county. His name is familiar to every old citizen of the county as a stock man and as an active, energetic and industrious citizen. He has lived a lifetime as a friend and neighbor of Sealin Stout, who was the champion bear hunter in an early day in the county. They have passed many hours fire hunting at night. It was said of Mr. Stout when he saw the eye of the animal or beast of his search, that he could invariably determine the position of the body by the movements of the eye. He used a flint and steel rifle and was successful in securing his game. He kept a trained slow track dog upon which he relied, and it is said that his faithful dog never deceived his master. On one occasion this dog barked all night at a tree in the woods near by, when visited next morning by Mr. Stout it proved to be a bee tree.

Mr. Hogsett relates an interesting love affair that came near annihilating the woman who figured so conspiciously in the matter and proved disastrous to the two gentlemen interested in this remarkable circumstance. A Mr. B. and Mr. L., became enamored of the same lady. She was beautiful in face and form, of good family and blood and a belle in her day. She was engaged to marry Mr. L., who was a violinist and a lover of his bottle. She loved him, and lavished her affections upon him without stint or limit, and was never happy only when she was in his company. In fact she centered her affections upon Mr. L. with all the ardency that only woman is capable of bestowing. She knew full well, that this ardency of affections was reciprocated and that she had her share of his affections. Mr. B. loved her perhaps as devotedly and as sincerely as Mr. L., as the reader will soon know. While Mr. L. was engaged in playing the fiddle for a ball in old Tarrant, which was given at night time, Mr. B. rode to the home of the young woman and stole her away from her father’s house, osensibly to marry Mr. L., and carried her to the home of Mr. Hogsett. Mr. L., who was entirely ignorant of all this proceedings and stratagem, did not come of course. The next morning she persuaded Mr. B. to go in search of her absent and derelict lover. When he returned he informed the despairing woman that her lover was beastly drunk and in no condition to marry. With her happy anticipations blasted, her home forsaken, and almost broken hearted she fell upon her knees and offered up a pitiful and heartfeeling petition to the God of heaven to guide and direct her in this hour of her greatest need. When this prayer was over Mr. B. said with emphasis: “Marry me, I love you, and shall protect, stand by and defend you.” She accepted his proposition in the midst of tears and they were married. Mr. L., upon hearing of this dexterous and artful stratagem upon the part of Mr. B., became indignant and sought to take the life of Mr. B. They subsequently became friends, Mr. B. died, and Mr. L. married the widow. Mr. L. lived but a short time.

He fell from his horse between Sulphur Springs and Black Jack Grove and froze to death.



Hopkins County TX,

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