Biographical Sketch of Thomas H. White

THOMAS H. WHITE was born in Northumberland County, Pa.. July 12, 1852; he is a son of James and Isabella (Frymire) White, also natives of Pennsylvania. Our subject was raised in his native State, there took up the printer’s trade, which he followed three years. In 1871 he came to Mason, Tenn., and was employed by the Louisville & Nashville Railroad two years, after which he moved to Covington, Tenn., and was Agent for the C. &. O. R. R. March 25, 1880, he secured a position as Express Messenger for the Southern Express Company, in which capacity he was employed till February 21, 1881, when he was appointed Agent Of the Southern and Adams Express Companies at this point; this position he has since honorably filled. Mr. White was married September 1, 1874, to Miss Jennie Levegood, of Jersey Shore, Penn., by whom he has two children-Howard and Harry. He is a member of Covington (Tenn.) Lodge, No. 150, F. & A. M., K. of H. of Covington (Tenn.), No. 1434, and Ancient Order U. W., No. 58.


Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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