Biographical Sketch of M. Hall

M. HALL, firm of Levy & Hall, dry goods, is a native of Bohemia. In 1845 he came to Grant County, Wis.; was there employed in the dry goods business, where he remained two or three years; he then removed to Randolph County, Ill.; continued in the same business there about three years, after which he went to Louisville, Ky.; there he remained but a short time, and after various other changes came to Hadensville in 1853, and for the past thirty years has been a resident of this locality. He is the oldest business man in Guthrie, and with the exception of an absence of about eight months, he has been in business in Guthrie the past fifteen years. The present firm was established in 1884. Mr. Hall was married, in 1854, to Miss B. J. Halscel, of Montgomery County, Tenn. This lady died October 27, 1883, aged fifty, leaving two children-one son and one daughter.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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