Biographical Sketch of William W. Stinson

WILLIAM W. STINSON was born April 23, 1832, in Rutherford County, Tenn.; his parents were Archibald and Elizabeth (Smothers) Stinson. The father was a native of Kentucky, the mother of Tennessee. The father was a blacksmith, and died in 1865, aged seventy years; he ‘ was a minister in the Baptist Church for more than thirty years. The mother is still living with her grand-daughter in Logan County at the advanced age of eighty-two years. She is a member of the Baptist Church. William W. was married, December 10, 1851, to Miss Margaret E. Vanderveer, a native of_ Scott County, Ky. These parents have had seven children, viz.: Joseph P., Sarah J. (deceased), John W. (deceased), Margaret A., Mary A., Robert A. and Richard B. Joseph P. married Anna Turner. Margaret A. married J. W. Whitson. Mary A. married James Moore. After marriage Mr. W. and wife moved to his present locality. It was then his father-in-law’s land; he has since purchased the same. This home and surroundings are the type of neatness, comfort and happiness. His present farm contains sixty acres, and is well improved. His wife’s parents were Peter S. and Sallie (Barrett) Vanderveer. The former was a native of Pennsylvania, the latter of Ohio. Both parents were life-long and devoted members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Stinson was elected Magistrate to fill the vacancy occasioned by the retirement of Squire Mayes. In June last he was regularly elected to fill the office.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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