Biographical Sketch of Samuel H. Jones

SAMUEL H. JONES, an enterprising farmer of Todd County, was born April 15, 1827, in Christian County, Ky. He is the youngest of ten children, five boys and five girls, born to Amos and Barbara (Henderson) Jones, natives of Chatham County, N. C. His father was of Welsh-German and his mother of English descent. Our subject’s early educational advantages were poor, never having attended school but ten months in all; he has by hard work been able to acquire a good business education. He was reared on a farm, and lived with his parents till their death. His mother died in November, 1844; his father January, 1851. Samuel H. (our subject), was married January 21, 1851, to Mary Jane Wilkins, daughter of John and Mary (Marrow) Wilkins, the former of Irish and the latter of Scotch descent, natives of North Carolina and Kentucky, respectively. This union was blessed with two children: John H. and Martha Jane; the latter married M. W. Martin. Mrs. Jones died in May, 1855. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. March 31, 1864, subject was married to Mrs. Mary McColpin, of Todd County, daughter of John and Martha (Lacy) Lindsey. (See biography of Romulus A. Lindsey as to genealogy.) This union was blessed with seven children: Amanda B., Louella, Cornelia, Charles D., living; Elizabeth, Lotta and Barbara, deceased. Mr. Jones takes a great interest in the education of his children. Since his marriage he has always resided in Todd County. He owns fifty-eight acres of land, and he and wife are members; respectively, of the Christian and Baptist Churches. Mr. Jones is considered one of the live and wide-awake men of his community, and is well respected.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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