Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – N Surnames


Hannah, and Daniel Williams of Concord, Sept. 5, 1797.*

NICKLASS (see also Nickles),

Sarah, and Simeon Jefts of Boston, Feb. 19, 1811.*

NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless),

Abel, jr., of Lowell, and Thankful Maria Boynton, int. May 3, 1833.
Adaline, and Capt. [Asa. int.] Spaulding of Billerica, Oct. 22, 1829.*
Asa, and Olive Spaulding of Billerica, int. Nov. 17, 1844.
Daniel, of Billerica, and Sibbel Carken of Tyngsborough, Oct. 12, 1811.
Dorcas, and William Britan, both residents in Carlisle, int. Apr. 3, 1786.
Elis[abeth], and Ephraim Wilson, int. Feb. 20, 1816.
Elvira, and Thomas B. Stevenson of Lowell, June 27, 1841.*
James, Ens., and Harriot S. Reed of Bedford, int. Apr. 25, 1824.
Jefferson, of Saco, Me., and Charlotte Belknap of Lowell, May 10, 1832.
John, and Maria Heald, Dec. 14, 1819.*
Mary, and Elisha Brown of Billerica, int. Dec. 16, 1809.
Paulina, and Jonathan Crafts of Charleston, S. C., June 25, 1837.*
Prescott, and Nancy B. Duren, Apr. 21, 1842.*
Sabre, and Benjamin L. Hull of Barre, int. Mar. 13, 1836.
Sophrona, and Simon Harris of Dracut, Oct. 22, 1829.*
Stephen, and Mrs. Lucy Shed, May 22, 1825.*
Stephen J., and Martha H. Conny of Strong, Me., int. May 7, 1848.
Susan, a. 32 y., d. Step[hen] and Ellen, and Timothy Meek, a. 51 y., carpenter, s. Timo[thy] and Mary, June 5, 1845.*
Varnum, and Mrs. Rhuhamah Blood, int. Sept. 23, 1833.

NICKLESS (see also Nickles),

Abel, Ens., and Sarah Robbins, int. Nov. 4, 1804.
Abigail, and Ebenezer Easte of Billerica, int. Apr. 1, 1804.
Azubah, of Billerica, and John Durant, Sept. 30, 1791.*
Betsey, and Noah Bosworth, jr. of Butterfield, Nov. 3, 1795.*
Esther, and Dr. Samuel Frink of Buckfield [” Bucktown.” int.], Feb. 2, 1800.*
Ezekiel, Capt., and Rebecca Wilkins, June 12, 1803.*
James, jr., and Sally [Sarah. int.] Littlehale of Tyngsborough, Jan. 26, 1795.*
Job, of Jaffrey, and Polly Frost of Billerica, June 3, 1794.
Lucy, and John Barrett, Apr. 21, 1803.*
Mary, of Billerica, and Willard Durant, Dec. 10, 1789.*
Rhoda, and Benjamin Crosby, jr., Apr. 12, 1797.*
Sarah, and Benjamin Foster of Stoddard, Nov. 2, 1786.*
Stephen, and Elenor Parker, Feb. 9, 1805.*
William, and Susanna Brown, int. Sept. 2, 1791.


George L., of Westford, a. 26 y., shoemaker, b. Westford, and Lucy H. Proctor, a. 22 y., d. Ben[jamin] and Mary, May 16, 1844.*

NUTING (see also Nutting),

Amos, and Sarah Heald, Apr. 30, 1782.*

NUTTING (see also Nuting),

Amos H[eald. int.], and Hannah Heald, Dec. 24, 1812.*
Cyrus, and Hannah Wilkins, Dec. 4, 1817.*
Hannah, Mrs., and Dea. Joseph Heald, June 20, 1839.
Hannah, a. 27 y., d. Cyrus and Hannah, and John Abbott of Lowell, a. 30 y., machinist, s. Dyer and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1845.*
Hannah Page, and Will[ia]m Green Heald, Dec. 1, 1842.*
Jonathan, of Billerica, and Lucy Parker, Dec. 30, 1804.*
Sally, and Paul Heald, Apr. 21, 1807.*

Town of Carlisle. Vital records of Carlisle, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. The Essex Institute, 1918.

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