Biography of Wiley Hollopeter

Wiley Hollopeter, a progressive agriculturist residing near Dewey, is also devoting considerable attention to teaming and conducts both branches of his business capably and successfully. He was born near Des Moines, Iowa, March 18, 1868, of the marriage of Simon and Maria (Jackson) Hollopeter, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Indiana. They were pioneers of Iowa and removed from that state to Kansas, where they resided until 1873, when they came to Indian Territory. The father homesteaded a tract of one hundred and sixty acres at the mouth of the Walnut River but at the end of two years returned to the Sunflower state, where he cultivated a farm for about three years and then went to Missouri. For two years he followed farming in that state, afterward retracing his steps to Kansas, where he spent a similar length of time, and his next removal took him to Nebraska. For one year he followed agricultural pursuits in that state and then returned to Indian Territory, but after two years spent in farming here went to Arkansas and shortly afterward to Missouri. From that state he again went to Kansas and thence to Indian Territory, settling on the Big Caney River, in the Osage country. He passed away in 1894. The mother is now living with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Morris, at Caney.

For the past seventeen years Wiley Hollopeter hag been identified with farming interests of Oklahoma, first locating on the Jock Shailer place two miles southeast of Dewey, which he operated for five years. He next farmed the Gordon place, northeast of Dewey, afterward cultivating the Johnnie McCracken farm, four miles east of Dewey, for seven years, going from there to the old Bullett place, on which he resided for five years. At the end of that period he developed the Wilkerson place for three years and then purchased his present farm of eighty acres, situated three and a half miles northwest of Dewey. He has brought his land to a good state of development, gathering large harvests of corn, oats and wheat, and he also raises beef cattle, horses and hogs. He believes in scientific methods and keeps abreast of the times in every way. He also engages in teaming for the oil companies, keeping for this purpose some very fine. horses, and has built up a good business along this line.

In 1905 Mr. Hollopeter was united in marriage to Miss Bonnie Rash, a daughter of R. T. and Malinda (Frisby) Rash, pioneer residents of Washington county, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Hollopeter have become the parents of three children, Ernest, Ruth, and Ray, the firstborn being fifteen years of age. He has won success by industry, ability and common sense and these qualities unite to make him an up right man and useful citizen.



Indian Territory,

Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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