Biography of Curtis Franklin Lewin

Curtis Franklin Lewin, an enterprising provision dealer of Plainfield, was born in this town, April 24, 1850, son of Erastus and Fanny (Nash) Lewin. Among several of the members of the family who have achieved distinction in business and professional pursuits may be mentioned Judge Lewin, an eminent jurist and a wealthy resident of Hartford, Conn. The father of Erastus, Cranston Lewin, who was born May 6, 1777, came from Hartford, Conn., to Plainfield when a young man, and was engaged in farming and butchering for the rest of his active period. He married Esther Fuller, who was born in Plainfield, June 23, 1787. They had four children-Louisiana, Erastus, Cranston, and Benjamin. Louisiana died when quite young. Cranston became a contractor and builder in the West, and died unmarried while still a young man. Benjamin, who was a butcher and provision dealer in Hartford, Conn., for a number of years, spent his last days in Plainfield. His second wife was Lucy Walker, of this town, who bore him six children.

Erastus Lewin was born in Plainfield, June 17, 1817. In early life he engaged in farming, and also operated a saw-mill for some time. He disposed of the mill to enter the butchering business, which he carried on with success for thirty years; and his last days were passed in retirement upon his farm. He served in some of the town offices, but refrained from accepting important positions in public affairs, as the demands of his business would not permit it. He was a general favorite in the community on account of his genial disposition, and he was widely known throughout this section. Erastus Lewin died May 12, 1893. He was three times married. His children by his first wife, Fanny Nash Lewin, were: Charles H., born January 31, 1844; Laura, born September 21, 1845; Curtis F., the subject of this sketch; Emily, born May 9, 1851; Hattie, born December 8, 1853; and Byron, born March 24, 1856. Charles H. enlisted in the Nineteenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, and died in Andersonville Prison. Laura, who did not marry, remained at home until her death, which occurred December 19, 1892. Emily married Edwin Hall, a carriage painter of Cornish, N.H., and died March 13, 1893. Hattie became the wife of Aden Bartholomew, a shoe-cutter of Plainfield, and died March 10, 1893, leaving three children. Byron, who is now in the butchering business in Hanover, N.H., married Katie Reed, and has three children. The second wife of Erastus Lewin, Susan Walker Lewin, bore him five children, as follows: Anna, who died at the age of thirteen years; Benjamin, a meat dealer in Manchester, who married Hattie Blood, and has two children; Katie and Norman, both of whom died in infancy; and Elmer, who married Nellie Westgate, of Plainfield, has six children, and is in the meat business in Manchester. The father’s third marriage was contracted with Olive P. Clark. The only child of this union, Frank C., now a travelling salesman, is married, and lives in Davenport, Ia.

Curtis Franklin Lewin acquired a practical education in the schools of Plainfield. Having learned the meat and provision business with his father, he has since followed it with success. Besides carrying on his meat business, he owns and cultivates a good farm situated within the limits of the village. His enterprise and close attention to business have won for him considerable wealth. In 1875, October 6, he married Lucy M. Clough, who was born March 30, 1856, daughter of Charles S. Clough, of Grantham, N.H. Mr. and Mrs. Lewin have had nine children, born as follows: Charles, June 17, 1876; Fanny, March 29, 1878; Robert E., August 11, 1881; Mary E., February 17, 1883; Carl, August 4, 1884; Leroy, June 2, 1887; Ruth H., July 5, 1890; Catharine E., in October, 1891; and Marguerite E., March 1, 1896. Of these Robert E., Ruth H., and Marguerite E. are living. In politics Mr. Lewin is a Democrat, but he takes no active interest in public affairs. Devoting his whole time to his business and the care of his farm, he is one of the busiest men in Plainfield. Sharing the musical talent of the Lewins, he often uses it for his own amusement and that of his family.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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