Biography of Charles A. Huber

Charles A. Huber, an energetic and successful farmer of Northfield, was born January 12, 1846, in Melun, France, near Paris, son of Melheur and Katherine (Farney) Huber, both also natives of Melun. His father, who followed the sea during the active period of his life, died in France, August 21, 1855. Mr. Huber’s mother, having survived her husband but three days, died August 24. Melheur and Katherine F. Huber were the parents of fourteen children, as follows: Petre Paul, who died in the army; Joseph, who resides in Pennsylvania; Louis, who lives near Manchester, N.H.; Alexander, a bricklayer of Concord, N.H.; Victorine and Amelia, who are still residing in France; Eugene, a resident of New York State; Charles A., the subject of this sketch; Albert, who is residing in the West; Emile, of Manchester; Melheur and John, neither of whom emigrated to America; Carl, who is deceased; and Hector, who is in the shoe business in Buffalo, N.Y.

Charles A. Huber was educated in the common and high schools of his native country. After completing his studies, he entered the French army, with which he served eight years. In 1870 he emigrated to the United States, where four of his brothers had already found a home. He first settled in Manchester, where he was employed for some time. Subsequently he was for two years engaged as a florist in Concord. After his marriage he was employed as a gardener in Franklin for three years. Then he bought the Gross farm, situated near Tilton village in the town of Northfield, where he now resides. He owns one hundred and seven acres of fertile land, and is an extensive grower of garden truck for the city markets.

On April 21, 1879, Mr. Huber was united in marriage with Henriette Larivire. She was born in St. Mary, P.Q., April 16, 1845, daughter of John and Bridget (Dayer) Larivire. John Larivire was a carpenter by trade. Both he and his wife always resided in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Huber have four children, namely: Albert, born February 26, 1880; Louise, born February 5, 1882; Ora, born February 15, 1883; and Lottie, born June 21, 1885. Mr. Huber is a Democrat, and he has served with ability as Road Surveyor. He has labored industriously for the prosperity he now enjoys. He had the misfortune to have his house destroyed by fire in 1895. Now he has a pleasant and comfortable home. He is a member of the St. John the Baptist Society, and the family attend the Roman Catholic church.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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