Troy Township Town Officers 1837-1868

The township records prior to 1837 are lost.

Township Trustees since 1837.

1837     M. L. Bestow,       Jesse Derry,         Samuel Dutton.
1838     M. L. Bestow,       Jesse Derry,         Ferdinand Paulk.
1839     Nicholas Baker,     Jedediah Fuller,     Ferdinand Paulk.
1840     Nicholas Baker,     Jedediah Fuller,     Wm. Kincade.
1841     Nicholas Baker,     Samuel Dutton,       Heman Cooley.
1842     Josephus Tucker,    Samuel Dutton,       Wm. W. Barrows.
1843-44  Josephus Tucker,    Nicholas Baker,      John Brookhart.
1845     Samuel Dutton,      Nicholas Baker,      M. L. Bestow.
1846     Josephus Tucker,    Nicholas Baker,      Ferdinand Paulk.
1847     Josephus Tucker,    Nicholas Baker,      Samuel Humphrey.
1848     J. M. Maxwell,      R. M. Wilson,        R. K. Bridges.
1849     Heman Cooley,       Samuel Dutton,       Thomas Richardson.
1850     R. M. Wilson,       Samuel Humphrey,     J. M. Maxwell.
1851     Stephen Warren,     Josephus Tucker,     J. M. Maxwell.
1852-53  M. L. Bestow,       Josephus Tucker,     Samuel Humphrey.
1854     Samuel Dutton,      Josephus Tucker,     C. Creesey
1855     Thomas Richardson,  Josephus Tucker,     C. Creesey
1856     S. A. Gibbs,        Josephus Tucker,     C. Creesey
1857-59  M. L. Bestow,       Josephus Tucker,     Thomas Richardson.
1860     M. L. Bestow,       Samuel Humphrey,     James Morrison.
1861     Thomas Richardson,  Samuel Humphrey,     James Morrison.
1862     R. K. Bridges,      Shephard Humphrey,   James Morrison.
1863     M. L. Bestow,       Shephard Humphrey,   Thomas Richardson.
1864     John Frame,         E. H. Williams,      Thomas Richardson.
1865     John Frame,         E. H. Williams,      F. W. Tipton.
1866     Thomas Smith,       E. H. Williams,      Thomas Richardson.
1867-68  R. F. Parrish,      James B. Dutton,     Thomas Richardson.

Clerks and Treasurers since 1837.

         Clerks.               Treasurers.

1837-38  Isaac A. Dinsmore,    R. B. Blair.
1839     C. F. Devol,          R. B. Blair.
1840     Eps Storey,           John Frame.
1841     Eps Storey,           A. C. Wedge.
1842-54  R. H. Lord,           John Frame.
1855     M. L. Bestow,         C. W. Waterman.
1856     M. L. Bestow,         Jefferson Cole.
1867-68  John Mitchell,        A. J. Frame.

Among the justices of the peace prior to 1837 were Charles Devol, W. S. Cockrell, Luther Hopkins, Aaron Butts, Jacob S. Miller, Nathan Cole, Jedediah Fuller, Marcus L. Bestow, and Ferdinand Paulk.

Justices of the Peace since 1838.

1838-John Pratt.
1839-Roswell Washburn.
1845-Sylvester A. Gibbs.
1842-Roswell Washburn.
1843-Sylvester A. Gibbs. ‘
1845-Roswell Washburn.
1846-Sylvester A. Gibbs.
1847-Wm. F. Pilcher.
1850-52-Sylvester A. Gibbs and Wm. F. Pilcher.
1853-Jonathan Pussey.
1854-Wm. F. Pilcher.
1855-Sylvester A. Gibbs.
1857-Wm. F. Pilcher.
1858-Sylvester A. Gibbs.
1859-Wm. F. Pilcher.
1865-D. P. Scott.
1862-Wm. F. Pilcher.
1864-D. P. Scott.
1865-68-Wm. F. Pilcher and Wm. G. Boyd.

Collection: Athens County Ohio Genealogy.

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