Biography of James A. Campbell, Dr.

Dr. James A. Campbell has been in the successful practice of dentistry at Humboldt for the past eleven years, and aside from his professional success had made himself a leader in the city’s affairs. He is president of the Board of Trade of Humboldt.

He was born at Bangor, Michigan, December 13, 1881. His father, Andrew Campbell, was born at Clintyfinea Armory in Ireland in 1847. The grandfather Campbell is still living on the old homestead in Ireland. Andrew Campbell grew up in his native country, learned farming there, and in 1867 emigrated to the United States. His first employment was in the chemical works at Decatur, Michigan, after which he farmed and finally removed to Bangor, where he continued farming until his death in 1892. He was a democrat and for many years served on the school board of Bangor. Fraternally he was affiliated with the Knights of Maccabees. Andrew Campbell married Martha Nower, who was born in 1851 on a farm in Pawpaw Township of Van Buren County, Michigan, and died at Bangor in 1891. Their children were: Frances, wife of Frank Whitney, who is connected with the Ridpath Lyceum Bureau and lives at Columbus, Ohio; Catherine, wife of Harry J. Lurkin, a county farm adviser, living at Benton Harbor, Michigan; Dr. James A.; Etta May, wife of Charles Marshall, a machinist living at Detroit, Michigan.

Doctor Campbell spent his early life on a Michigan farm. He attended the public schools of Bangor, graduating from the high school in 1901. Leaving home he spent the next eighteen months on an extended tour of the country, visiting Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and the Province of Alberta, Canada. Having made up his mind definitely as to the career he would follow, he then entered the College of Dentistry of the University of Illinois at Chicago where he completed the course and graduated D. D. S. in 1905. In the meantime he had practiced as an undergraduate for eleven months at Lawrence, Michigan. On receiving his dental degree Doctor Campbell came at once to Humboldt, Kansas, in 1905, and had practiced in that city ever since. His offices are in the Hess Building on the north side of the square and his home at the corner of Tenth Street and Central Avenue.

Doctor Campbell is strictly independent in his partisan political affiliation. He had served as a member of the city council of Humboldt one term, and is now at the head of that progressive organization the board of trade, working for the substantial betterment and increase of the city. Doctor Campbell is a member of the Presbyterian Church, belongs to the Southeast District Kansas. Dental Association, and the Kansas State and American Dental associations. Fraternally he is affiliated with Pacific Lodge No. 29, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of which he is Worshipful Master, with Valley Chapter No. 11, Royal Arch Masons, at Humboldt, with Humboldt Camp Woodmen of the World, with the Knights and Ladies of Security and the Court of Honor.

Doctor Campbell was married at Chicago in May, 1905, to Miss Nina Pryor. Her parents were Samuel D. and Sarah J. (Waite) Pryor, both now deceased. Her father was one of the pioneer attorneys to locate at Winfield, Kansas, where he practiced for a number of years. Doctor and Mrs. Campbell have one son, William, born January 11, 1908.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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