Biography of Edward R. Callender

Edward R. Callender, proprietor of the Callender Printing Company of Kansas City, Kansas, had lived in this state for over thirty-five years and for a quarter of a century had been a resident of Kansas City, Kansas. He learned printing when a boy, and his name is widely known through his connection with the printing trade and also at different times as a publisher of newspapers.

Mr. Callender was born at Berlin, Wisconsin, August 31, 1867, the third in a family of six children whose parents were John H. and Marian (Russell) Callender. His father was a native of Canada and his mother of New York State. The grandparents came from Scotland, lived in Canada, and afterwards moved to Wisconsin. John H. Callender grew up in Ripon, a city where the first political organization took the name republican and thus gave substantial claim to the distinction of being the birthplace of the party. John H. Callender became a dentist. He practiced at Ripon for a number of years and then seeking a change of climate and a more active life he came to Kansas when the Osage District was opened. In 1878 he located near Anthony when only a few houses stood on the townsite. He brought his household furniture and lumber from Wisconsin, carrying the goods on a wagon sixty-five miles to Harper County. He took up a claim of 160 acres, proved up on it, but as a result of several years of successive drought he had to abandon farming and resume his practice as a dentist. Later he sold his farm and gave his entire attention to his practice at Anthony. He finally retired to Wichita and died there in 1903. His widow died in 1909. Doctor Callender was a republican, was a member of the Masonic order and was always interested in the welfare of schools and churches. He was a Methodist, was trustee of his church many years and also superintendent of the Sunday school.

Edward R. Callender attended school in Wisconsin and had later the advantages of the dugout schools at Anthony. He was also a student in the Wellington High School. It was a mere accident that he formed a connection which became permanent with the printing trade. Without any specific intentions as to the future he worked for a time as a printer’s devil on the Belle Plaine News, and having learned the trade put in three years there and since then had never been long separated from printing and newspaper work. At Anthony he worked on the Anthony Republican, and in 1887 established with a partner named Markwell the Anthony Free Press. This paper was published daily. Anthony was then enjoying a boom, and the paper was highly successful. After two years he sold his interest and having realized that Kansas City, Kansas, had exceptional advantages of location he moved to that city and in 1890 opened a printing shop on Minnesota Avenue. He began there with modest equipment and on a small scale, but from year to year increased the business and enlarged his service until the was competing on terms of equality with the larger printing shops of the city. Associated with the Greer boys he established the Kansas City Tribune. He operated the daily for about a year and then sold to Judge Charles E. Lobdell. From the Tribune he once more devoted his attention to the printing business opening a new shop on Sixth Street in the basement of the Husted Building. His plant and facilities were enlarged from time to time and he finally removed to his present location at 708-710 North Sixth Street.

In October, 1891, Mr. Callender married Louise Cable of Wyandotte County, daughter of Judge R. E. Cable, elsewhere referred to. They are the parents of four children: Harold, who is assistant city editor of the Kansas City Times; Leonard, teller in the People’s National Bank of Kansas City, Kansas; Louise, now in high school; and Edward, a pupil in the graded schools.

Mr. Callender in Masonry had attained the thirty-second degree of Scottish Rite, belongs to the Mystic Shrine at Leavenworth, to the Knights of Pythias, the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Modern Woodmen of America, and the Maccabees. He had held all the chairs in the Knights of Pythias. He is well known in business and social circles of the city, is a member of the Mercantile Club, a former director of the Rotary Club, and belongs to the Union Club. The only public office he ever consented to accept was clerk of Circuit Court, the result of an appointment by Governor Hoch. He remained in the office one year. He is a republican and is an active member of the Christian Science Church.

Cable, Callender, Russell,


Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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