Biographical Sketch of Ross Beardlsey

ROSS BEARDLSEY. – This gentleman, the present mayor of Arlington, Oregon, was born in Cass county, Michigan, July 7,1856, where he received a good common-school education, and followed the occupation of farming, working with his father until 1876, when he crossed the plains to Woodland, California, remaining until 1877 with an uncle, H.P. Merritt. After a year’s residence in this land of gold, he returned to Michigan, where he lived until 1879, making a trip in the meantime to Montana. Soon after his return to Michigan, he was married to Miss Jennie Speese of White Pigeon, in February, 1880. In 1881 they determined to pass their future lives on the Pacific coast. They came to California, and, after a year’s sojourn, moved to Walla Walla, Washington, where Mr. Beardsley opened a barber shop, continuing in this occupation until their removal in 1884 to Arlington. Here he also successfully established and conducted a shop for a period of five years. In 1889 he concluded to take charge of the Grand Hotel, and at the present time is ably conducting this house. Mr. Beardsley has been intrusted with the conduct of public affairs, having been elected to the office of city councilman in 1886. The following year he was elected mayor, acceptably filling the office two years. In 1889 he was re-elected, and is at present thus serving his city with honor to himself and to the advantage of the community at large.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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