Rhodes, Harry – Obituary

Union County, Oregon

Suicide By Morphine
“One More Unfortunate, Rashly Importunate.”

Harry Rhodes, a man of middle age, who some time since registerd at the City Hotel as from Seattle, died on Friday evening of last week from the effects of a heavy dose of morphine, self-administered with suicidal intent.

The unfortunate man had been engaged in selling a device for mending harness, and also in vending eye-glasses. His finances had run low, and to this, probably is attributable his deed of self destruction. The only explanation left was contained in this note for the hotel proprietor.

“Mr. Hammock – I leave you these glasses. Maybe you can find a pair that will fit you. Try and make them believe it is heart trouble: and it is. Good-bye.


On Thursday morning, before the close of the breakfast hour, Mr. Hammock went to the door of Rhodes’ room to call him. Not getting an answer he decided to allow him to sleep. Rhodes’ nonappearance at 11 o’clock led Mr. Hammock to visit the room again and on this occasion could hear some unusual sound within. It was necessary to break open the door to gain entry, and then the man was found in a very low condition. Proper assistance was immediately summoned and everything possible was done to save the man from death. It is surmised that in some manner he succeeded in taking another dose of the poison drug, and on Friday evening he expired.

Papers found upon him showed that he was a member in good standing of the I.O.O.F. lodge at Cascade Locks, this state, and the local lodge of that order at once communicated with Rhodes’ home lodge, the result being instructive to give him proper burial here. The funeral occurred Sunday under the auspices of Lodge No. 142, I.O.O.F. It is not known here whether he had a family or relatives.

Elgin Recorder Friday December 16, 1904



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by AccessGenealogy.com. Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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