In Memorium
I.W. Maharry; Born December 1855. Died May 6, 1918
The best and truest thing to be said of our recent neighbor and friend is that he lived; “He lives most who thinks most, acts noblest, does his best. Angles could do no more.”
Our friend was thoughtful for others, especially for the companion of his youth, who faced marriage bravely amidst poverty and privations for his sake and because for her happiness was beside him.
Together they met and surmounted difficulties finally amassing wealth and competence. They smiled when the sun shone and comforted each other when clouds were dark.
His thoughtful love surrounded the young family, nurtured and blessed them with strength and goodness and reared them to respect themselves and others.
He kept his word; paid his debts; helped the weak and sick; encouraged the faltering and gave his friends reason for pride in him.
Although his passing leaves a void in many a heart, his well spent life enriches many a memory.
North Powder News
Saturday, May 11, 1918