Lynch, Fraty Mrs. – Obituary

In Memoriam

At the family residence seven miles north of Enterprise, in Wallowa County, Oregon, at 12 o’clock Saturday night May 13, 1899, Mrs. Fraty Lynch, beloved wife of Winnie Lynch, aged 21 years, 1 month and 19 days.

The deceased was a daughter of our esteemed neighbors Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Peal and sister of Mrs. W.F. Alexander, Misses Mollie and May Peal and Dudley and Bennie Peal, all residing in the Cove. The remains of the deceased were brought to the home of her parents, arriving at six o’clock Monday evening, and the funeral took place Tuesday forenoon from the Baptist church, Rev. C.H. Holloan preaching the funeral sermon.

The interment was in the Cove cemtery by the side of the only two children who had already passed away.

Mrs. Lynch had long been a suffer from a lingering illness and death came as a relief from pain. She was a consistent member of the Baptist church and died in the hope of a blessed immortality beyond the grave. A large attendance at the funeral testified to the sympathy of friends with the bereaved husband and relatives.

Cove Ledger Thursday May 18, 1899

In Memoriam

    Written in memory of Mrs. Fratie Lynch who died May 13, 1899.

Sleeping, Fratie dearest sleeping.
Sleeping in thy grave so low,
We will not forget thee Fratie
Though they form be still and cold.

Thou hast left a home so dear,
Left a husband kind and true
Left a home so dear to him
Full of joy and love to you.

His path he travels all alone,
Her cheering words are still.
His grief and sorrow there unknown
Her place no one can fill.

Her parents too, how sad they are
To part with one so dear.
Nourished and cherished through life
To know alas, that she’s not here.

Those sisters loved each other dear
Their hearts are full of grief
They know that she is resting now
Why should they mourn and weep.

Her brothers loved her tenderly
They know that she was frail,
It gave them pain to part with her
But they hope to meet again.

A Friend
Cove Ledger Thursday May 25, 1899



White, Judy Wallis. Wallowa County Oregon Obituaries. AccessGenealogy. © 1999-2016, all rights reserved.

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