Harte, Annie – Obituary

Near Alder, Wallowa Valley, of diptheria; Annie And Zella Harte, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harte.

Little Annie died on the fourteenth of June after a sickness of two weeks and was nine years of age. Three days afterwards her loving little seven year old sister Zella, who had been in bed for six weeks followed her to the spirit land.
Everything was done by the doting parents that mortal beings could do for their darling children, but the fair buds of promise have been transferred from earth’s cold shores to Heaven’s sunny Clime.

“O happy dead is thee that sleep,
While o’er their mouldering dust we weep.
Oh faithful savior who shalt come.
That dust to ransom from the tomb.”

Mr. and Mrs. Harte desire to thank their neighbors and friends for their kindness during the sickness of their family.

Mountain Sentinel, Saturday
July 3, 1880



White, Judy Wallis. Wallowa County Oregon Obituaries. AccessGenealogy. © 1999-2016, all rights reserved.

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