Davis, William J. – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon

The Weekly Eastern Oregon Republican. Union, Oregon.
Saturday, February 21, 1925. Volume 37, Number 1893, Page 1.

Died at Union, Oregon, Wednesday, February 11, 1925, William J. Davis, age 16 years.

William J. Davis, son of Robert and Viola V. Davis, was born in High Valley, Oregon, March 3, 1909. He was a Junior in the Union High School. He was one of the best students in the class, willing at all times to do his share. He was a member of the Woodmen of the World, having joined that order in July 1924.

On May 14, 1923, his mother died; and on February 23, 1924, the father was called home, making three of this family that passed to the great beyond in about twenty months. Since the death of his father, he has made his home with his sister Mrs. Roy Wheeler, who lives near Union. He is survived by four sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Charlotte Wheeler, Mrs. Lulu Burford, Mrs. Mary Allen, Mrs. Cora Church; Amos and Lewis Davis, all of Union. Besides his parents, one sister, Mrs. Ida Burford, and one brother, James Davis, preceded him to the great unknown.

The funeral was held from the Methodist Church in Union, Friday, February 13, at 2 o’clock p.m. Reading of scripture and prayer by Rev. Quinn; Sacred solo, Helene Stearns; Eulogy, Prof. Conklin; solo, “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere,” Tony Smith; Sacred songs by Choir; Sermon by Rev. Quinn.

A large crowd was in attendance. All the faculty and the students of the High School, and the Woodmen of the World, attended in body. High School students who were Woodmen were pall bearers and many friends and neighbors paid their last respects to this highly respected and beloved young man. Interment in the Union cemetery.

“Card of Thanks”
The Union Republic. Union, Union County, Oregon.
Friday, February 24, 1950. Volume 62, Number 40, Page 2.

We sincerely thank our many friends and neighbors, and all, for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended during the sickness and death of our beloved brother. Also for the many beautiful floral offering.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Burford, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Church, Lewis Davis.

“School Notes”
The Union Republic. Union, Union County, Oregon.
Friday, February 24, 1950. Volume 62, Number 40, Page 3.
The entire student body was dismissed Friday afternoon and nearly all of the students attended the funeral of William Davis. Supt. Roy Conklin was one of the speakers at the service.

“Cove Sentinel Items”
The Union Republic. Union, Union County, Oregon.
Friday, February 24, 1950. Volume 62, Number 40, Page 3.
A number of old-time Cove friends of the Davis family of High Valley, attended the funeral of the 16 year-old son, William Davis, of Union, a lad of remarkable mentality, Friday 13th.

Tombstone Inscription for William J. Davis
Union Cemetery
Union, Union Co., Oregon

Here rests a Woodman of the World
Contributed by: Robin Church



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by AccessGenealogy.com. Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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