Field and Staff Officers, 1st Battalion, Alabama Artillery

The 1st Alabama Artillery Battalion, Companies “A”-“F”, was recruited in Mobile, Montgomery, Selma, and Eufaula, part of the “Army of Alabama,” and it was organized about the 1st of February 1861, at Fort Morgan. In the spring, the command was transferred to the Confederate government as “regulars”. Stationed at Fort Morgan and its dependencies, the battalion attained a high degree of discipline, insomuch that Union Gen’l Granger pronounced it the most perfect body of either army. Detachments of it manned the heavy artillery at Forts Gaines and Powell and rendered effective service. During the terrific bombardment of Fort Morgan, August, 1864, the battalion, “moved by no weak fears,” handled the guns until they were all knocked out of position, losing 150 k and w of about 500 engaged. The men were taken to Elmira, New York, where fully half died of smallpox (officers were taken to Fort Warren.) A small detachment, not captured, continued the fight at Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely. A small number moved to Choctaw Bluff in March 1865 and were included in the surrender of the Dept. of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana.

The following muster roll was provided by Ken Jones for use in our database. Copyright 2004 by Ken Jones.

Field and Staff Officers:

FORSYTH, Robert Charles, Lt. Col.
GEE, James Thomas, Major, Lt. Col.
KYLE, Osceola, Adj.
WHITING, Julian Wythe, Adj.
McNEILL, William S., Adj.
CLARKE, R. H., Acting Adj.
SIMPSON, Robert T., Adj.
REESE, James T., Major, Surgeon
BARNES, Benjamin S., Acting Asst Surgeon
MATTINGLY, Thomas, Capt., Asst Surgeon
CAMPBELL, Robert M., Asst QM
EVINS, Thomas J., 2nd Lt., 1st Lt.

AccessGenealogy, Alabama Civil War Muster Rolls.

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