Obituary of L. Virgil Chadwick

L. Virgil Chadwick, the son of Lynn James Chadwick and Georganna Miller Chadwick, was born on Nov. 3, 1920 at Hot Lake and died on Jan. 24, 1999 at the age of 78.

Virgil grew up and attended school in Cove. After graduating from high school in 1938, he went to work on his cousin’s wheat farm. He later enlisted in the Unites States Army Air Corp for World War II and flew a number of missions into Europe. After his discharge from the service he returned to Cove and went back to work on the wheat farm. He then did some driving for the local oil company before driving log truck. He was united marriage to Orella Holloway Holmes on June 15, 1947 in Vancouver, Wash.

Virgil and his family moved to Tillamook in 1952 where they leased a farm on the Wilson River tideland. In 1957, they purchased their own farm on Fairview Road, which they operated until they sold and retired in 1989. Virgil was active in the Tillamook County Farm Bureau as well as the State Farm Bureau for many years. He served as president of the Tillamook County Creamery Association for three years as well as several years as a director. He was a member of the Tillamook United Methodist Church, the Fairview Grange, Eagle Cap Post No. 4307 V. F. W., the Tillamook Elks Lodge No. 1437 and the Tillamook County Pioneer Association.

Virgil is survived by his wife Orella, Tillamook; his son: Gary Holmes, Florence, Ken; three daughters: Tilda Jones, Tillamook; Diana Chadwick, Lynnwood, Wash., and Virgie Lorenz, Salem; one brother: L. George Chadwick, Union; nine grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Funeral services for Chadwick will be held at 11 a.m. on Jan. 27 at the Tillamook United Methodist Church. Graveside services will be in Cove.

Tillamook, Oregon
January 27, 1999
Page A15

Contributed by: Tom Childers



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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