Biographical Sketch of Rev. William N. McKendrick

Rev. William N. McKendrick, undertaker and dealer in furniture was born in Edinburg, Scotland, in 1832; came to America with parents and located in N.Y. In 1847 he moved to Western N.Y. He attended the Baptist College, of Montreal, Canada, for three years, and entered the University in 1859. He was ordained in Michigan, Sept. 20th, 1875. He located at Mapleton, Ia., in 1879, and was pastor of the Baptist church there for two years. He resigned in Sept., 1881; came to Fletcher, purchased property and engaged in present business. He is pastor here and preaches every Sabbath at the school house.



Western Publishing Company History of Western Iowa, Its Settlement and Growth: A Comprehensive Compilation of Progressive Events Concerning the Counties, Cities, Towns and Villages--biographical Sketches of the Pioneers and Business Men, with an Authentic History of the State of Iowa. Sioux City, Iowa: Western Publishing Company. 1882.

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