Biographical Sketch of J. H. Kitterer

J.H. Kitterer & Co., proprietors of the Pioneer hardware store, which was established in 1878 by W. Van Dusen, purchased the business in Aug., 1879. The firm is composed of J.H. Kitterer and Joseph Mattes; they are men of long experience in the hardware business, having previous to coming to this city been engaged in the same. They employ one clerk and three tinners. Make specialties of Glidden barbed wire, “Splended” heating stoves, “Diamond” and “Acorn” cook stoves.



Western Publishing Company History of Western Iowa, Its Settlement and Growth: A Comprehensive Compilation of Progressive Events Concerning the Counties, Cities, Towns and Villages--biographical Sketches of the Pioneers and Business Men, with an Authentic History of the State of Iowa. Sioux City, Iowa: Western Publishing Company. 1882.

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