Biography of William L. Fugate

WILLIAM L. FUGATE. – The well known and representative citizen whose name is at the head of this article is one of the men who have wrought assiduously for the advancement of Union county and especially of the section where he has been domiciled, being one of the leading citizens of Summerville, where he holds the responsible position of justice of the peace, and also operates a collection agency as well as attending to much business as an underwriter, being one of the highly respected and highly esteemed men of the town.

Mr. Fugate was introduced to this life on September 16, 1853, in Schuyler county, Missouri, being the son of Robert B. and Elizabeth C. (McConnell) Fugate. He has been an enterprising and wide-awake man of energy all through his course. His education was gained in the common schools with a course at the Ottumwa Commercial College in Iowa, having also served a good apprenticeship as assistant to his father on the farm in his native county and in Howard county, the same state. Subsequent to the completion of his course he engaged as bookkeeper for a commercial house, then went to New Sharon, Iowa, being married in that city on June 11, 1882, the lady of his choice being Miss Susie, daughter of Cornelius R. and Sara M. (Ross) McGuire. In that same place he was also installed as manager of an express and freight office, continuing in that capacity until the spring of 1883, when he resigned to take up the journey to Summerville, whence he migrated with his family and settled in this vicinity as a farmer. In 1887 he left the farm and engaged with the Summerville milling company as bookkeeper, holding that position until the property burned down. Then he clerked for Wade Brothers and in 1886 he was elected justice of the peace. Subsequent to this event he opened an office in Summerville, and since that time he has been doing a general collecting business handling real estate, loans and insurance, being also agent for the Banker’s Life Insurance Company of Des Moines, Iowa, in which he does a representative business. He is serving as justice of the peace at the present time, and is a faithful and capable public officer. He has a tasty,modern residence in the city and also owns other property. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., being a past grand. Mr. Fugate held the responsible office of presidentof the city council for four years and also has acted in other public capacities. Mr. Fugate is actively interested in church and educational affairs and is always laboring for advancement in these as in other lines.

Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fugate, namely; Harry C. and Gracie F. Mrs. Fugate’s parents came to this country in 1882, the father passing away in August, 1901, but the mother is still living in Summerville. Mr. Fugate is a stockholder in the Summerville creamery and is secretary of the association.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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